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20/3/2014 - Vatican - GC27: Solemn Liturgy and Cultural Event
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(ANS - Vatican City) –The Solemnity of St. Joseph on 19 March was a bit different from other Chapter days. St Joseph is one of the patrons of the Salesian Congregation and the patron of many of the GC27 participants. In the morning there was a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, SDB. Later in the day  the afternoon the Chapter members moved to the Sistine Chapel for a concert to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the death of Michelangelo (18 February 1564).

In his homily Cardinal Bertone said that, in his family life on earth, Jesus experienced refugee status. Along with St. Joseph and Mary, he was persecuted and exiled. They were close to the kind of situation in which many Salesians work today. Salesians are dedicated to the care of refugees, and we offer not only education but also a stable home to many poor migrants and their families. The cardinal went on to say that the similarity between the role of St. Joseph and the work of Salesians is part of the Salesian tradition and is more relevant than ever at the present time. We continue to educate young people for the world of work. This is a problem and a challenge for today’s society and especially for young people.

In the afternoon, the Chapter members visited the Sistine Chapel, with Professor Enrico Bruschini as guide.  The visit included a concert of liturgical music by the Sistine Chapel Choir, expertly directed by the Salesian Fr Massimo Palombella.The programme consisted of Gregorian Chant and a series of polyphonic works by Perosi and Palestrina, and two organ pieces by Maestro Paradell Juan Solé.

The evening ended with the Goodnight given by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State. He first highlighted the educational and pedagogical value of the unique Salesian tradition of the Goodnight talk. It is a way to reflect and shed light on the events of the day and infuse peace and hope. It is certainly an effective practice, especially in today's context, because it helps to make sense of the many events that fill our days.

Then, recalling the time he spent as Nuncio in Venezuela, he said how delighted he was to have this chance to give his second Goodnight – the first was in a forest while he was visiting La Esmeralda in the Vicariate of Puerto Ayacucho.  He expressed his appreciation and gratitude for all that has been done in the history of the Salesian Congregation.

Finally, inspired by the masterful concert, Cardinal Parolin said that the music we had heard was itself a kind of Goodnight. It gives us a positive memory of all that has happened in the history of the Church and the Salesian Congregation.  He expressed the hope that, with the protection of Mary Help of Christians, the Salesians would always remain faithful to their traditions.

Published 20/03/2014

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