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14/3/2014 - RMG - GC27: Haiti - Hard Work and Optimism
Photo for the article -RMG - GC27: HAITI - HARD WORK AND OPTIMISM
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(ANS - Rome)- As everybody knows, the Haitian people suffered one of the greatest disasters in its history on 12 January 2010. The Salesian Family in Haiti was hard hit by the earthquake, but they also experienced great solidarity and support. The Superior of the Vice-Province of Haiti, Fr Sylvain Ducange, described events in his Goodnight talk to the Chapter.

"The Rector Major visited us on 12 February 2010. All the Provinces of the Congregation came to our rescue and in April 2010 the principal benefactors of our Salesian work came together in Haiti to see the situation for themselves and to coordinate their efforts more effectively."

So, first of all a big thank you  "on behalf of the Salesians in Haiti and the people we work with, for the immediate intervention of the Congregation, of the Provinces and of the organizations that were close to us. Thank God, we're alive” - he continued – “and we say to those who are still on the road with us: don’t lose hope, you are at our side. We need to be guided, supported and understood, respected, and above all loved."

Any report on Haiti has to begin with the event that has profoundly marked its history. Since the earthquake all resources have been directed towards rebuilding. "Through the Rinaldi Foundation (Office of Planning and Development) and with the support of Salesian institutions, we have made a considerable effort to coordinate the various interventions and, at the same time, improve our management skills."

The results to date are impressive: the rebuilding of Drouillard Cité Soleil; the renovation of the community hall in Carrefour- Thorland to accommodate 12,000 refugees; a centre for treatment and distribution of water in Cayes- Bergeau; the reconstruction of schools and community buildings in Port-Au-Prince Enam: the reconstruction and renovation of buildings of an agricultural school, an elementary school and a nursing school in Fort-Liberté; a new building of more than 7,000 metres² to accommodate more than 1,000 students (an elementary school, a boarding school and a community hall) and a new Provincial House and post-novitiate.

There are ten communities with sixty-nine Salesians, of whom twenty-one are in initial formation, and two novices. The average age is just over 45. With these resources and with the cooperation of the Salesian Family, we are able to re-open our elementary schools and high schools, vocational schools, oratories and youth centres, the parish, shelters for street children and boarding schools.

There is no shortage of enthusiasm, hard work and hope. We believe that "the Salesian charism contributes to the transformation of society by creating a new mindset to prepare for a new future with the young people who are entrusted to us, by helping them to become good Christians and honest citizens."

Published 14/03/2014

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