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12/3/2014 - Italy - A twinning in honour of Msgr. Fagnano, SDB
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(ANS - Rocchetta Tanaro) - In honour of the Salesian Bishop, Joseph Fagnano, Prefect Apostolic of Magallanes, and in view of the centenary of his death (18 September 1916), his native town, Rocchetta Tanaro, and the city where he worked, Punta Arenas, Chile, are entering into a twinning agreement.

Rocchetta Tanaro is a small place in upper Monferrato, an agricultural area famed for its wine and cuisine. One of its most famous citizens is Bishop Joseph Fagnano. As a young man he was a supporter of the Garibaldini but then he joined Don Bosco and was ordained priest. After some time in Lanzo Torinese and Varazze he was sent to Argentina in 1875 as one of the first group of missionaries.  He became Prefect Apostolic of Punta Arenas and ended his days in Santiago.

Last Sunday, 9 March, was the  170th  anniversary of his birth, (9 March 1844). The first celebration was held in Rocchetta Tanaro. It was attended by the local Mayor and Parish Priest, by Bishop Francesco Guido Ravinale of Asti, Fr Alberto Lorenzelli, Salesian Provincial of Chile, Fr David Albornoz also from Chile who is in Italy for the General Chapter, as well as some members of the Fagnano family and some other Salesians led by Fr Egidio Deiana.

A plaque was unveiled on the wall of the house where Bishop Fagnano was born.  As part of the celebratory activities, the municipality of Rocchetta Tanaro is planning a museum to the memory of this illustrious citizen. As part of this project, Fr Lorenzelli brought some items from the Don Bosco Institute of Punta Arenas and the adjoining missionary museum Maggiorino Borgatello.

Among the items brought from Chile there were photos, documents , letters, and a rochetto that belonged to the bishop. Fr Lorenzelli also brought a brick from Chile, a reminder of all the building work on the mission carried out on the initiative of the Bishop and as a result of his organizing ability. In addition to buildings for education and worship he also got a furnace built, and he founded a mutual Aid Society.

As part of the twinning project they are planning to have some citizens of Punta Arenas in Turin on the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco in 2015, and to bring some of Bishop Fagnano’s townspeople to Punta Arenas for the festivities to mark the centenary of his death.

Published 12/03/2014

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