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18/2/2014 - India - Salesian Appointed to Government Child Rights Commission in India

(ANS – Trivandrum) – Fr. Philip Parakatt SDB, a Salesian of the Province of Bangalore (India), was appointed by the State Government of Kerala, India, as a member of the State Child Rights Commission. He is the first catholic priest to be appointed to such a post by the Government.

The federal Government of Kerala in its Cabinet Meeting on 23 December approved the appointment and announced to the media that six members had been selected for the Kerala Child Rights Commission. This commission is the statutory entity for the monitoring and facilitation of Child Rights in the State of Kerala which lies in the southern part of the country. Fr. Philip has just recently taken charge of his office and begun functioning as a member of the Child Rights Commission, having the official rank of Principal Secretary.

Unlike in some other States where only the Chairperson of the Commission is a full time Officer, in Kerala the members too have a full time job with working hours from 10 am to 5 pm. Fr. Philip has been given the charge of Trivandrum and Kollam Districts. The appointment is for 3 years.

It is the involvement and contribution of Fr. Philip in the field of child welfare during the past 15 years that has prompted the Government of Kerala to select him to this post.

It is a great opportunity for the Salesian priest to contribute to the framing of policies and monitoring of the programmes of the Government for the promotion of Child Rights and welfare of children in the State.

Published on 18/02/2014

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