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23/1/2014 - Peru - Working together for Dreams and Values

(ANS - Lima) - On 17 January the Peruvian tenor Juan Diego Flórez sent a letter of thanks to the Salesians of Peru for the support they offered to the Symphony for Peru, an organization that was awarded the World Economic Forum prize for its commitment to music education for children in need across the country. Here is the text of the letter:

Dear Fr Arango,
With great pride and gratitude I am sending you this letter to share with the Salesians of Peru the prize that the World Economic Forum will confer on me as President of Symphony for Peru. On 21 January, I will receive the Crystal Award, a prize that is given to artists who contribute with concrete actions to improve the world.

I will accept the award on behalf of you and all the institutions that are committed to this beautiful project for the neediest children in our country. Thanks also to the Salesians of Peru, whose support has made possible the work of Symphony for Peru. Through our thirteen training centres we have spread music all over the country, making a difference in the lives of more than 2,000 children in less than 3 years. We have also run a School or Workshop for lute-makers in Cusco and have started the Children’s Symphony Orchestra. We use the power of music to form values, habits and positive attitudes that will remain with the participants as a stamp on their personality for the rest of their lives.

We are filled with satisfaction to see how Symphony for Peru has been able to cross borders and become internationally recognized in a short time.

We want to renew our association with the Salesians of Peru. Your reputation is associated with the cause we are working for and we do it also in your name. Above all, let us renew our commitment to our country, working to help the children you are educating to grow in self-esteem and in values, and realize their dreams for their own future and for a better Peru. 

Let us continue to sing together a Symphony for Peru!

Juan Diego Flórez

President of Symphony for Peru

Published 23/01/2014

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