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20/1/2014 - Italy - Pope Francis visits Salesian Parish of Sacro Cuore
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(ANS - Rome) – Yesterday was an unforgettable day for all those who live and work at the Salesian House of the Sacro Cuore in Rome: Salesians, members of other groups and religious communities, refugees, young and old. The pastoral visit of Pope Francis, yesterday afternoon, Sunday 19 January, was an event that left a mark in the hearts of each one of them. The visit was a sign of the Pope's closeness to all people.

At 4.00 p.m. Pope Francis arrived at the Salesian House which was jam-packed with people from every part, despite the heavy rain and hail that fell intermittently on the people gathered in the courtyard. The Pope addressed his first greeting to the people who were outside.

He then met people from all aspects of the life of the parish, paying particular attention to people on the edges of society: the poor and homeless who gravitate to the area around Termini railway station and also the refugees who take part in a programme designed specially for them by the community of Sacro Cuore.

As Shepherd of the entire population of the diocese of Rome, Pope Francis went on to greet other segments of the parish community: children baptized in recent months and their parents, newlyweds and young families. Then, in what has now become normal practice on his pastoral visits to parishes in Rome, the Pope heard the confessions of five penitents.

Shortly before 6.00 p.m., the Holy Father presided at Mass in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. The Rector Major, Fr Pascual Chávez, concelebrated. In his homily, based on the Gospel of the day, the Holy Father recalled once again a key point of his teaching: the mercy of God, who never tires of taking on himself the sins of men. The Pope also called on young people to turn to Jesus in faith, certain of his love and mercy.

After Mass the Pope greeted the sick and met the Salesian community, with the parish priest, Father Valerio Baresi, and the Missionary Sisters of the Risen Christ. Also present for the occasion were the Rector Major, his Vicar, Fr Adrian Bregolin, the Councillor for the Missions, Fr Václav Klement and the Councillor for the America South Cone Region, Fr Natale Vitali.

Before returning to the Vatican, Pope Francis met the young people of the parish. In a very friendly and familiar atmosphere, he chatted with Fr Salvatore Policino SDB, Fr Baresi and all the young people present. He encouraged the young people to "create a row” as he had said on World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. He also pointed out that since the Middle Ages it was understood that the Church was in constant renewal. Pastoral workers are called to change methods without losing their identity. They need to find new approaches and to get their hands dirty in the work of bringing people to God.

At the end of a very full afternoon, Joseph, one of the young people present, commented, "We are impressed by the way the Pope passed from a serious tone to a playful affectionate manner, without any difficulty. None of us really expected such fatherly tenderness ... it is one thing to hear about it or see it on TV. It is quite another thing to live it. "

Published 20/01/2014

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