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17/1/2014 - RMG - The 2014 Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family begin
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(ANS - Rome) – The thirty-second Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family (FSGS) opened with a welcoming address by Fr Adrian Bregolin, Vicar of the Rector Major. This year, the last of the term of office of Fr Pascual Chávez, the participants are approximately 400, representing 28 groups of the Salesian Family.

"Three separate journeys that are, at the same time, interwoven with each other."  This is how Fr Bregolin presented the paths of study undertaken over the past three years in preparation for the Bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco. He then handed over to Tullio Lucca, President of the World Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA), who moderated the first session of FSGS 2014.

Fr José Luis Plascencia, teacher at the Salesian Pontifical University, then delivered an address entitled Meeting Jesus of Nazareth.  In it he reflected on the figure of Jesus and his human situation. “Only by taking the Lord's death seriously can we base our Christian faith on his resurrection, the Trinitarian activity par excellence. God raised up Jesus through the power of His Spirit.”

Two young leaders, Luisa Bertiato and Renato Cursi, then gave their testimonies. They spoke about how Salesian spirituality has supported and accompanied them in life. The youngman Renato Cursi, in particular, identified three major gifts received in hislife,thanks to Salesian spirituality: "the centrality of the sacraments, the importance ofeveryday life and the call to youthful holiness."

Paul and Marina Surrentino, a married couple who are Salesian Cooperators involved in a family home in central Italy, shared their experience with young teenagers wounded by life. They showed howSalesian spirituality constituted a valid compass to guide them in life and to follow the will of God,even in the many difficulties they face.

In the evening, aftersupper, the video of the 2014 Strenna was shown. This was followed by the Good Night message of the Rector Major. "Spirituality is the way a person lives their faith. This is spirituality: to be inhabited by the Spirit, having the Holy Spirit as the great driving forceof one’s life. Salesian spirituality is a model of Christian spirituality designed forthe young. Don Bosco was deeply immersed in God’s plan of activity,accompanying the boys, welcome them, talk to them, helping them to gain a positive experience ... all this, taken together, was his spirituality. Dear brothersandsisters of the Salesian Family,I hope that what was said of Don Bosco can be said of all of us: he lived as seeing him who is invisible."

A video summary of the first day is available on ANSChannel. Next Sunday, 19 January, the final Eucharist (8.00 a.m. GMT +1) and the final message of the Rector Major (10.00 a.m. GMT +1) will be shown in live streaming on the site The Mass will also be broadcast later (12:45 GMT +1) on satellite television on Telepace.

Published 17/01/2014

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