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16/8/2009 - Italy - ’Confronto’ Europe 2009: Dear young people, go beyond…

(ANS – Colle Don Bosco) – “Go beyond…” is the task that Fr Pascual Chávez, Rector Major of the Salesians and 9th Successor of Don Bosco, left to young people taking part in the European Salesian Youth Movement`s `Confronto`. Gathered in the upper church at Colle Don Bosco, the 300 plus young people concluded their time together which began on 11th August, by celebrating Don Bosco`s birthday.

The Rector Major, addressing himself to young people in the SYM, both those present and worldwide, began his homily by inviting an attitude of joy and thanksgiving. “Human history, including its darker and more tragic pages, or those which have thrown God`s existence into doubt, speaks throughout of God`s ongoing love in so many people who have been involved, in His name, in efforts of justice, peace, civilisation, humanity and salvation, amongst whom Don Bosco, Mother Mazzarello and other Salesian educators and saints".

This grace is extended, in this 150th year, in the gift that Don Bosco gave through the Congregation and the Salesian Family.<0} Joy and gratitude are attitudes that young people should have when they look at their own lives, where God`s gifts are certainly evident: “in your parents` love and the availablity of your teachers and educators, and so many others; in having the chance to share friendship, plans, this feast that flows into such an authentic and participatory Eucharistic celebration!”.

Using the image of a door Fr Chávez asked the young people to be ready to let God into their own lives as Mary did, and he recalled the dream that Don Bosco had when he was 9, saying: “Open your lives up to the great dream that God has for each one of you: holiness!”.

This is the door we use to enter and explore that marvellous life-space dreamed up by God and Jesus! “Come and see”, Christ told the disciples who were following him: “This is the invitation addressed to you too, to get  to know Jesus profoundly, to be a friend who shares time, life, work and comapny with Him. It is a challenge to get involved with Him by faithfully keeping to the promise of love that becomes a source of light and courage. And the Rector Major went on to exhort them: "this door opens on to a way of love which urges us ever onwards, ever upwards. ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life`."<0}

By calling on the passage from the Beatitudes read during the Liturgy, the 9th Successor of Don Bosco asked the young people from the SYM to “go beyond”, and discover God`s presence and his plan for them in their daily lives.

“Go beyond individual interests and listen to the many appeals you hear around you:  Offer a sincere word, a friendly look, a generous hand.
Go beyond your country and culture and cultivate the seeds of universal brotherhood that can recognise diversity because it comes from the Father of all humankind.
Go beyond the peaceful and sometimes boring satisfaction that comes from consumer habits and tirelessly build a useful and visible solidarity.
Go beyond individual outlooks, skills that have been gained even with much effort,  legitmate wealth earned, and share your goods with those who are in need.
Go beyond the certainties of reason and science and intuit the mystery hidden in reality, recognising with childlike joy, traces of God the Creator, the energy of the Risen Christ, the enlivening presence of the Spirit.
In your own religious experience go beyond obligation, ritual, and the search for instant emotion, and anchor yourselves in the faith of grand ecclesial communion: celebrate the Easter of the Lord of life and with it the victory of good over evil”.<0}

Going beyond means “believing and taking up the Gospel logic of generosity and creativity which the Beatitudes are suggesting”.

And the door, finally, also serves as an exit, to go beyond and surmount geographical frontiers. The young people were invited to communicate their experience and Don Bosco`s spirit to those of their own age.e. e “The Kingdom of God today more than ever needs open minds and generous hearts that can listen and operate at a global dimension” so that “the love of the incarnate God will continue in you and through you”. The mystery of the Incarnation, the basis of Salesian spirituality, reveals the value of daily life.

Concluding his homily he reminded the young people: “Like Don Bosco you have Mary as `mother and teacher`. Do not take your gaze from her, listen to her when she says: ‘Do what Jesus tells you`. Pray with childlike faith that the Lord may raise up generous souls amongst the young, who know how to say `yes` to a vocation”.

The complete text of the Rector Major`s homily-cum-message to young people in the SYM will be made available over the coming days in

Published 16/08/2009

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