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11/11/2008 - Vietnam - Salesian missionary animation
(ANS - Ho Chi Min City) – On the anniversary of the first Missionary Expedition - 11 November 1875 - Fr Vaclav Klement, Councillor for the Missions, presents the topic and the aims for Salesian Mission Sunday (DOMISAL) 2009.

In a letter, sent from Ho Chi Min City where he is on a visit, to the Superiors and Delegates for Missions Promotion in every Province and Vice Province Fr Klement indicates the objectives for DOMISAL 2009 which with the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation aims to improve missionary animation.

The need to improve the quality of missionary animation emerged, in a particular way, at the first meeting of the World  Consultative Body for the Missions held in Rome between 30 September and l 2 October. The relaunching of the missionary spirit in the Salesian Congregation and examine the Provincial  structures for animation, therefore are the aims that the Councillor indicates for the coming year.

The slogan for DOMISAL 2009 - “Keep alive your missionary flame” – is intended to encourage through exchanges of information the knowledge of various experiences of missionary animation, and strengthen links among the Provincial Delegates. Individual communities are called to give fresh life and support to the local missions promoter.

Since 1988 Salesian Mission Sunday (DOMISAL) has been providing the Provinces and Salesian communities an aim and a programme for missionary animation so as to take part, in line with the Church,  in the  “missio ad gentes”. Mongolia (2005), Sudan (2006-2007), HIV/AIDS Prevention (2008), … have been some of the recent topics for DOMISAL and which in some cases have also involved civil and social organisations – such as the  “Discover Sudan” campaign in which 4,000 state schools in Germany took part.

In his letter Fr Klement says that in 2009, while focusing on improving  missionary animation,  the aim for 2008 remains valid: “Educating to love: The Salesian response to AIDS/HIV”. Looking forward the Councillor already indicates the topic for DOMISAL 2010: “Mission among the young Zingari – Rom - Gypsies”.

Published 11/11/2008

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