(ANS - Rome) - The National Office for Community Service has issued the call for the selection of volunteers to serve in projects of the National Community Service for the special Jubilee of Mercy that will be inaugurated in Rome on 8 December 2015. There are two social projects approved by the Salesians and they will employ a total of 16 volunteers.
The projects are called "From invisible to visible" and "On the Streets of Mercy". Each will employ eight volunteers.
The first project aims to encourage groups and individual pilgrims belonging to the network of the Salesian Family and others to participate in the Jubilee by acting as guides and offering assistance to pilgrims. They will also try to spread knowledge of the Jubilee and related events among disadvantaged groups (refugees and homeless) of the people of Rome.
The second project aims at enhancing the experience of pilgrims who come to Rome for the Jubilee, leading them towards a more comprehensive "way of mercy" through the knowledge and experience of the works for the needy being carried out normally in the Salesian houses in Rome.
The application form and accompanying documentation must be presented to the relevant body for the chosen project before 2.00 p.m. on 17 December 2015.
More information is available on the website of the Salesian Social services.
Published 02/12/2015