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12/8/2015 - Italy - SYM DON BOSCO 2015: “With the Young”
Photo for the article -ITALY – SYM DON BOSCO 2015: “WITH THE YOUNG”

(ANS – Turin) – Accompanying the young, staying with them, guiding them to their fulfilment and happiness, have been the main themes of the morning on the second day of SYM DON BOSCO, centred on the section “With the young” of the motto of the event.

by Gian Francesco Romano


Alternated with the evocative spectacle of music, videos and lights prepared by the youth of the Province of Sicily, Italy, two witnesses resounded: those of Hazel Hillancy, an Indian old pupil of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), and of Fr. Luca Barone, a Salesian from Piedmont. The former shared with the youth how instruments such as Whatsapp andFacebook can be channels to do good and evangelize among one’s friends. “We have no choice on whether to use social media. The point is on how well we use them!”, she said.

Fr. Barone, starting from what he learned in his personal experience – both as one who was accompanied and one who accompanies – spoke of two lungs to help a young person breathe: an environmental and personal accompaniment. “Truth and freedom – he said – are the fundamental ingredients” of a healthy relationship with one’s spiritual guide; and he added: “Spiritual guidance is not for those who think of becoming a priest or a nun (…). One, on his own, may probably walk faster, but with a guide goes farther”.

Suggestions and advice on the “secrets” of a good accompaniment were also given through the video-contributions prepared by Salesians, FMAs and members of the MGS of various countries; eventually PalaRuffini burst with enthusiasm at the arrival of Mother Yvonne Reungoat, the Mother General of the FMAs, who had the task of deepening the meaning of the word “communion”.

“Here we are 5000 hearts in one global heart”, she said, warming up the youth. She then continued indicating Jesus as the element of universal communion, as the tangible sign of the love and also of the creativity of God the Father.

Hinting at the Gospel episode of the disciples of Emmaus, Mother Reungoat then spoke of a “Jesus who is alive, who cares for us, who accompanies us (…). There is no communion without Jesus. He makes our communion possible”.

She then recalled how essential are in Salesian pedagogy relationship, communion and presence in an environment.

Finally, humorously provoked by the questions of the presenter, she very naturally pronounced a series of sentences, a sort of tweets, of great impact and significance: “Salesians are the only Congregation in the world founded with the young. The Salesian Family is either built up with the young or is not built up at all (…). The world tomorrow will be as it will be done by the young today (…). There will not be a New Evangelization in the world without the youth. They know how to speak of Jesus, they know how to transmit the Good News in their own language (…) There are no barriers, the world is ours and we are Christ’s.”

The activities of the morning were then concluded in PalaRuffini with the Eucharist that was presided over by Msgr. Savio Hon Tai-fai, Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

In the meantime, this afternoon, will continue the itineraries on the discovery of Turin, the city of the Salesians and the city of charity. This evening once more all will gather in PalaRuffini for another feast, this time for all the participants in SYM DON BOSCO 2015.

Published 12/08/2015  

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