India – Don Bosco University nominated as Education Evangelist 2014 |
India – National Educational Conference of Don Bosco Schools 2014 |
(ANS – Chennai) – The Don Bosco School of Excellence, Egmore, Chennai, held a two-day National Conference on Educators for Change on 13-14 February 2015. Eminent scholars, thinkers and change-makers from across the country addressed the participants and interacted with them. The Conference was a tribute to Don Bosco, the great Educator and Change-Maker, in the Bicentenary Year of his birth.
The event was open to Educationists, Principals/Headmasters, Government officials, Corporates and others who are interested and are concerned about the present and future of education in the country and in the world.
Some of the issues the Conference grappled with are the following:
A panel discussion took up issues like autonomy, creativity, equity in school education, the policies of the government and its role as a proactive and enabling agent of change and the responsibility of educators to be change-makers.
The Conference aimed at making educators become change-makers who are capable of handling challenges with confidence and turning good institutions to great ones, educators capable of questioning the world inside and outside their institutions, capable of re-thinking the present and shaping the future.
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Published 19/02/2015