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11/5/2010 - Italy - Salesians on practical training discuss evangelisation and Europe
(ANS – Rome) – Between 30 April and 2 May at the Saint Tarcisius Post-novitiate in Rome, there was a meeting for Salesians on their practical training in Italy.
Fr Guido Errico, Vice Provincial of the Southern Italy Province and National Delegate for Formation explained to the 58 young Salesians engaged in this two-year period the purpose of the meeting. In addition to providing an opportunity to meet together, the days would enable them to consider, in line with the Rector Major’s Strenna, evangelisation and his invitation to bring the gospel to the young as well as the Project for Europe.

On Saturday morning 1 May they met some members of the “New Horizons” community, a private  association of the faithful engaged in evangelisation on the streets. Fr Davide Banzato, a priest from the community, explained the motives at the basis of the community and emphasised how, in spite of the experience already gained, every venture is “a fresh story” in which the absolute and essential protagonist is the Holy Spirit. He was followed by Michael, who described how because of the activities of the “New Horizons,” he is now a member of the association.

In the afternoon they shared their different experiences of practical training. Three young Salesians spoke about their experience of: the missions, the hostel and the school. Different situations needing different approaches but all proving the validity of the Preventive System. From what was said, the hard work involved in proclaiming the Gospel in the world and today’s culture was evident.

The topic of culture was the basis of the talk given on Sunday 2 May by Fr Francesco Cereda, Councillor for Formation. Speaking about the Project for Europe he emphasised the need to create in the formation for Salesian life a European culture. He pointed out how the Congregation’s Project for Europe had as its primary objective not the movement of confreres or works, but the revitalisation from within of the charism of Don Bosco in the Old Continent. Young Salesians in formation can have an important role in this renewal.

The young Salesians paid a visit to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in via Marsala. Here, in addition to admiring the church after the work of restoration, they were given an account by the Rector and parish priest Fr Valerio Baresi, of what is being done there thanks to the help of young university students.

The period of practical training following the post-novitiate is  a time in which young Salesians are formed in “the real Salesian practical life.” It was Blessed Don Michael Rua, the first successor of Don Bosco who wanted to have this phase of formation to Salesian life, to respond to the needs of formation to the priesthood and to pass on faithfully the charism and tradition of Valdocco.

Published 11/05/2010

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