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1/12/2008 - RMG - The Meeting of the Provincials of Europe comes to an end
(ANS – Rome) – The last day of the meeting of the Provincials of Europe began with the presentation of the reports from the work of the three Regional Groups: Italy- Middle East, West Europe and North Europe.

Each group reported on the areas for special attention they would have in reference to the suggestions made by the Rector Major in his talk in the first day: re-vitalising Salesian presence from within, re-locating and restructuring Salesian presences, seeing Europe as mission territory.

This was followed by a series of short observations and questions which indicated the topics and areas to be given special attention: Salesian schools, vocational training, a more demanding formation to religious and Salesian life, coordination of European NGO, the need for a research centre regarding European youth.

Bringing together the various contributions, Fr Chávez expressed his own satisfaction with the way the meeting had gone, which as a first result had involved all the Provinces and Vice Provinces of Europe. He explained that the “Project for Europe” would not be a simple exercise in containment as a consequence of the fall in vocations and the rise in the average age of Salesians, but a real process of the re-launching and of the renewed  active role of the Congregation. Referring to the group reports, first regarding the Provinces and then the  Regions, the Rector Major observed how the “Project for Europe” was the implementation of the 26 General Chapter for this part of the Congregation. Now it was up to the Provincials to set in motion the vital process for the revitalisation of the religious and pastoral zeal of the Salesians.

The on-going process for the drawing up the “Project for Europe” was described. The contributions arising from the meeting will be studied and commented on by the  Rector Major and his Council. A document, certainly based on the suggestions of the Rector Major and used by the Provincials will emerge. In consultation with the Council, Fr Chávez will appoint a commission for the “Project for Europe” to continue the work. The Rector Major will write a letter to the Salesians in Europe explaining the purpose and the results of the process so far. There will also be a further meeting in two years time of all the Provincials open also to some young people and representatives of the Salesian Family.

In drawing the meeting to a close the Rector Major read the final message of the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops  on  “The Word of God in the life and mission of the Church,”, in this way giving the Provincials of Europe the same tasks the Pope and the Bishops give to Christians.

The final act of the meeting was Mass. Commenting on the readings for the First Sunday of Advent, Fr Chávez pointed out how the meeting of the Provincials of Europe had taken place between the end of one liturgical year and the beginning of another. As Cardinal Ruini and Bishop Van Luyn had already indicated on previous days this coincidence offered the opportunity to focus on “those elements that serve as light and encouragement in what the Lord is asking from us: hope and a joyful and responsible expectation.”

Published 01/12/2008

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