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26/11/2013 - Malta - 11th Eurobosco ends
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(ANS - Sliema) - The Eleventh European Congress of the Past Pupils (Eurobosco) was held in Malta from 21 to 24 November. It was attended by about a hundred Salesian Past Pupils and delegates from twelve countries: Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Ireland, France, Great Britain, Malta, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.

Eurobosco opened on the evening of 21 November, with messages from significant people. Among them was a message sent by Pope Francis to the Rector Major, in which the Holy Father expressed the hope that "the meeting will inspire more and more living adherence to Christ and a more generous Christian witness following the example of St John Bosco".

The World Delegate for the Past Pupils, Fr José Pastor Ramírez, encouraged everyone to imitate the past pupils and the Salesians who laboured diligently during almost 50 years of Eurobosco.  He also urged the participants to strengthen the structure of the Association in the Provinces, to engage in animation and formation of past pupils, and to develop and participate in social projects and church activities.

On the second day, 22 November, two reports were presented - one on the identity and mission of the Past Pupils in Europe today, and the other on commitment to work for migrants. Three good practices were also reported:      the Business Platform of the Past Pupils of Slovakia; the collaboration between Past Pupils and the Salesian Youth Movement in France in a project of solidarity with Haiti; and the promising situation of Young Past Pupils in Spain.

In the evening, the participants split up into language groups and held several meetings to plan long-term projects and tasks to be accomplished for Don Bosco in 2015 on the occasion of the bicentenary of his birth.

On the third day, the European Delegations presented a number of projects, plans, programmes and activities currently underway in the Local Unions in the Provinces.  In the evening, Cardinal Joseph Versaldi, president of the Prefecture for Economic Affairs of the Holy See, presided at the concluding Eucharist. In his homily, the Cardinal urged all present to proclaim the kingship of Christ with the charism of Don Bosco, a joyful faith combined with a commitment to the social, political, economic and religious issues in Europe.

On Sunday 24 November, the conclusions of the eleventh Eurobosco were presented to the assembly. The twelfth Eurobosco is scheduled for 2017.

Published 26/11/2013

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