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19/11/2013 - RMG - Towards a common strategy for the protection of young people
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(ANS - Rome) – From 10 to 13 November,  Fr Fabio Attard, Councillor General for Youth Ministry, hosted an important meeting at the Salesian Generalate. The participants included Fr Ángel Astorgano, President of Don Bosco International, who is engaged in dialogue with the European Union, and Fr Thomas Brennan, representative of the Salesians at the UN in New York. The event served to bring about better collaboration between the two non-governmental organizations.

In determining what form a particular government shall take, and the way in which it shall function, a major consideration will be the prevailing circumstances and the condition of the people; and these are things which vary in different places and at different times.

The Salesian Congregation is conscious of its international presence and the fact that in a globalized world "no political community is now able to pursue its interests and to develop by closing in on itself" (Pacem in Terris, 68). For this reason, the Congregation has tried over the years to foster a dialogue with regional and international institutions, in particular with the European Union and the United Nations, in defence of the rights of young people especially those most in need.

This was the spirit that gave rise to, for example, the conference at the United Nations on the situation of young migrants and a similar conference in the European Parliament on social inclusion of young people.

The Rome meeting, which was also attended by Dr Mattia Tosato, executive secretary of Don Bosco International, identified four areas on which to focus future work in the broader context of education and youth policy. Specifically, in the next few years, the Don Bosco International and the Salesian Mission Office in New Rochelle will seek to facilitate reflection, dialogue and cooperation in the following areas:

  • the right to education;
  • the protection of young migrants and refugees;
  • the fight against poverty for a real social inclusion;
  • sustainable Development and the post-2015 Agenda.

The meeting emphasized the fundamental role of the Provinces and of the Salesian works engaged every day in various activities for the protection of young people. They are in possession of knowledge, experience and best practice, and therefore they have an absolutely key role to play as real agents in development, protection of migrants, and the right to education.

In this sense, the two non-governmental organizations promised to work with the Department of Youth Ministry to intensify dialogue in order to foster mutual understanding and cooperation.

Published 19/11/2013

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