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24/10/2013 - RMG - European Meeting of Salesian Brothers, reflections of Bro. Jean Paul Muller

(ANS - Rome) - Rediscovering the identity and vocation of the Salesian Brother, figuring out how to improve his formation and living the vows to the full, inspired by models of holiness like that of Blessed Stephen Sándor - these were the main themes of the meeting of Salesian Brothers held in Budapest last week. To tell us about it was the Economer General, Bro. Jean Paul Muller.

Can you tell us briefly what this meeting was about?
The event was sponsored by the North European Region, but it was open to all Salesian Brothers in Europe. My reflection focuses on the vocation of a Brother, inspired by the example of Sándor, to get us to think about the present. There was a very interesting and useful dialogue between the older Brothers, who had experienced the totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century, and the younger Brothers, with their enthusiasm.

Are there differences between the Brother of yesterday and of today?
In the past, the identity of the Brother was defined in terms of the work he did: the Salesian Brother worked as a printer or a carpenter ... but the aspect of evangelization, as catechist and friend of young people, was often neglected. Today we wish to recover these aspects, because they are central to the vocation of the Salesian Brother. And we need to point out that his identity is not necessarily linked to the job. Today, in many situations the Brother has changed roles. He enters into relations with governments, politicians, the Church ... Coming from the world of work, he is familiar with the common people and takes on more of a role as advocate.

We should not forget the professional role, however.  Indeed, it is even more important than before, to provide young people with useful work skills, and to make Salesian Professional Training Centres as productive as possible.

What observations did the Councillor for Formation make?
Fr Cereda reiterated what was written in the revision of the Ratio, that is, that before continuing their vocational training, brothers must do a post- novitiate following the whole course in Spiritual Philosophy. The focus is always the same: the congregation is focusing more on the quality of life, as a consecrated religious and member of a community, and not only on the work.
And this also relates to the theme of vocations. Vocations come where there are good models of Brothers who aware of their identity, living their specific consecration to the full.

And what did you say?
My talk was inspired by a recent talk by the Pope to religious about how to live the vows today. Obedience, for a Brother, means availability. If I am to meet young people, I must be trained to make myself available.  And similarly, I must be ready to take on responsibility if the community needs it. Reflecting on how chastity can be developed, ours is a fruitful chastity, that takes the form of being father figures for young people, accompanying them and helping them in their discernment ... And poverty is not just about  money, but about everything we do. How do we manage and use our goods? The principle is that goods are to be used for the mission.

Published 24/10/2013

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