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15/10/2013 - Papua New Guinea - Media Education Seminar
Photograph available in Image Bank

(ANS - Port Moresby) - On the weekend of 26-27 September, at the Don Bosco Technical Institute in Port Moresby, there was a seminar on media education and social networks that highlighted the potential of these channels. The seminar was held on the initiative of Fr Ambrose Pereira, Delegate for Social Communications of the Provincial Delegation of the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.

Among the subjects discussed were media ethics, digital identity and activity, writing articles for the web, the composition of photographic images and media awareness.

On the first day, Mario Braganza, an Indian volunteer, explained some tricks for writing articles for the web. He pointed out the risks, but also the opportunities, in media and social networks. In the afternoon, the director of Fiji Media Watch, Ms Agatha Ferei, held a workshop on advertising and marketing and how to use their resources.

On the second and final day, participants worked on photographic techniques, developed a plan of events to raise media awareness among their peers and began using blogs to interact in the network.

"I found these students competent and eager to learn about social media,” said Hayden Powick, a New Zealand computer specialist, who gave the final lessons. “In my country young people take these things for granted, and there is the risk that many problems arise through superficial use of the media. Now Papua New Guinea is on the verge of entering this communication revolution, and so it is a blessing to be able to address these issues in advance."

Published 15/10/2013

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