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25/9/2013 - Sudan - Salesians and VIS: training teachers to educate the young

(ANS – Khartoum) – Monday 9 September saw the closing ceremony of a training course for teachers run by staff of the Salesian NGO “International Voluntary Service for Development” (VIS). The ceremony was held at the Salesian training centre in Khartoum. 53 teachers received a certificate which is recognised at national level and qualifies them as teachers.

The course was organized in conjunction with the Supreme Council for Vocational Training and Apprenticeship, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour. It included a theoretical part and a practical part, and aimed at providing the participants the main teaching skills needed for technical training. The course lasted three weeks and was held simultaneously in Khartoum and El Obeid, the two Salesian centres in which VIS has been working for years, and in a public centre for professional training.

In Khartoum, 15 teachers received their certificate directly from the hands of Dr. Ismail Al Azhari Alsheikh, representative of the Supreme Council. The ceremony included official talks from Carlotta Nanni, a volunteer with VIS, Fr Mathew Kuthanapillil, Rector of the Salesian House, and Dr. Al Azhari.

The joyous atmosphere that characterized the ceremony reflected the spirit of cooperation that has existed for many years between VIS, the Salesian Community, the Supreme Council and the personnel of the Don Bosco Centre in Khartoum.

Published 25/09/2013

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