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24/9/2013 - UNO - And the children will lead: voices from the Global South
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(ANS – New York) – On Monday, September 23rd, a delegation of youngsters from the Nine is Mine Campaign, an advocacy program in India that works to have the government provide a percentage of the GDP for education and health for youth, was featured during a side event held at the start of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

This capped a whirlwind series of visits to UN Delegations for advocacy on behalf of the young. The children spoke with passion, conviction and detailed information about the reality of poverty and lack of access to health care and education that they and their contemporaries experience on a regular basis. They spoke of the development we all want, a development that is based upon social justice and that seeks to eliminate exclusion and ensures the well-being of all.

Led by Irish Christian Brother Stephen Rocha, CFC, the 22 youngsters and their adult chaperones inspired and challenged those privileged to hear them. The youngsters have demonstrated that the participation of all members of society must be included in the formulation of policies that affect their lives and development. They have also shown that the young, when given the opportunity, can be effective agents of change and partners in constructing a better world for all.

Fr. Thomas Pallithanam, SDB served as one of the leaders of the group. For years he has worked to motivate grassroots action on behalf of the young through the Nine is Mine Program, human rights education and now human rights clubs.

Published 24/09/2013

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