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23/9/2013 - Argentina - We communicate what we are: signs of God’s love
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 (ANS – Bariloche) – The meeting of the Social Communication Delegates oftheAmerican continent concluded yesterday with the visit of the Provincial of Southern Argentina, Fr Ángel Fernández. Three challenges were identified: initial and ongoing formation, programming and working in collaboration with Youth Ministry.

Taking up the elements of previous continental meetings, the Social Communication Delegates discussed “how to animate communication in our institutes”, especially those engaged in education, and “how to be present in the new playgrounds” defined by four screens: TV, mobile phone, computer and cinema.

The Delegates reported on specific projects and on progress in each province on the various points listed in the Salesian Social Communication System (SSCS): Animation, Formation, Information and Production.  Fr Filiberto González, Councillor General for Social Communication, said: “All the cultural baggage and the experience you bring to these meetings helps in the process of improving communication, both personal and institutional.”

In closing the meeting, he said, ”We are here because this is our vocation and mission.  [...] These elements need to be included in our personal life plan, because they are part of the life and mission of the provinces. This is our way of serving God and the Congregation.”

Fr González also pointed out that in the different regions of the Congregation different processes had taken place, depending on the specific contexts in which confreres and communities need to be helped to meet their particular challenges. It would not be helpful, therefore, to follow the same path everywhere, since there are different ways of communicating. However, one thing remains the same – what we communicate. “We communicate what we are: signs of God’s love for young people,”

He expressed his thanks to the two Provinces of Argentina and to their communication teams, and concluded with a message to the Delegates, Salesian and lay. It applies not only to those who work in communication but to all who share the Salesian Mission: “For you lay people also, this is not just a job. It is a spirituality and I invite you to make it a spirituality.”

Published 23/09/2013

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