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11/9/2013 - Bolivia - Bring back the smile to the children’s faces: the mission of Patio Don Bosco

(ANS – Santa Cruz) – In August the Salesian House “Patio Don Bosco”, which looks after street children, celebrated its ninth anniversary. The house was filled with about 300 children and young people who took part in a colourful and lively celebration.

Patio Don Bosco is a day centre that started in response to the growing phenomenon of street children in the city of Santa Cruz. It is part of the Don Bosco Project, a wider social action programme run by the Salesians in collaboration with the Salesian NGO, International Voluntary Service for Development (VIS).

It works in conjunction with another house that offers overnight accommodation, the Techo Pinardi.  For the young people who come there,the Patio is the first stage of a long journey of social rehabilitation. The residents are children and young people from dysfunctional families where they have experienced violence, or where there are problems with drugs and mental health, or situations of conflict.

When the children arrive at the Patio they are sad and frightened. With time, and the care they receive, the faces change, the smile reappears, they begin to trust, and they are ready and able to express their feelings. Little by little they form relationships with the other children and with the team of educators.

This is why it is important to create times of joy and celebration, like this one for the anniversary of the centre. Through wholesome entertainment the young people learn to interact with other children and with adults, and they experience a family environment where they are protected and feel safe.

The Salesians are not alone in this effort to bring back joy to the little ones. Many friends and benefactors of the Don Bosco Project provided the economic resources for the feast.

Published 11/09/2013

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