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4/9/2013 - Mozambique - Missionary Volunteers from Spain train future Teachers
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(ANS – Maputo) – The Spanish Salesian Volunteer Movement completed its 21st expedition to Mozambique last August. These expeditions, led by Fr Angel Miranda, have assisted the growth of the Mozambique Voce-Province in the areas of education and technical training.

This year the group of Spanish Volunteers that came to Mozambique was made up of four Salesian Brothers, one Salesian Cooperator and two young couples who work for a cooperative agency of the Salesian NGO “Jóvenes y desarrollo”.

This year’s activities focussed on working side by side with students of the Istituto Superiore Don Bosco (ISDB) of Maputo  who are doing the course for recognition as teachers in electrical engineering and general mechanics.

Using the apprentice method, the volunteers taught these future teachers new skills and working methods on the lathe and the milling machine, brought for the occasion to Moamba. The electrical engineering students did their work in the workshops at the centre while the mechanics students and welders built new equipment for the halls.

The expedition ended on Monday 19 August with the presentation of diplomas to the students, a moving farewell to the volunteers, and a display to let the Rector of ISDB, Fr José Angel Rajoy, see what had been achieved.

Published 04/09/2013

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