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2/9/2013 - RMG - Salesian Saints and Blessed in September

(ANS – Roma) – The only memorial in this month of September is on 22nd when we remember Blessed Joseph Calasanz Marqués and Henry Sáiz Aparicio, priests, and their companions, martyrs.  This memorial celebrates the martyrdom of members of four groups of the Salesian Family founded by Don Bosco:Salesians, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Salesian Cooperators and one member of ADMA.

The Spanish civil war that broke out on 18 July 1936 was accompanied by religious persecution. Lay people, religious and priests were imprisoned and killed because of their religious faith. Among them were 95 members of the Salesian Family – 39 priests, 22 clerics, 24 brothers, 2 Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, 4 Salesian Cooperators, 3 Salesian aspirants and one lay co-worker. All of these gave their lives for their faith in Christ between July 1936 and April 1938.There were two separate Causes that led to the recognition of their martyrdom. The group from Valencia consisted of 32 martyrs, with Fr Joseph Calasanz Marqués († 29 luglio 1936), who were beatified in Rome on 11 March 2001. The group from Seville and Madrid consisted of 63 martyrs, with Henry Sáiz Aparicio They were beatified in St Peter’s Square on 28 October 2007.

They died with sentiments of trust in God and forgiveness for their killers. Their death is an example of fidelity to their Christian faith and Salesian vocation. None of them were involved in any political or ideological movement. As Salesians they practised only the “politics of the Our Father”. They died only because they were Christians and most of them religious.  The document proclaiming the Year of Faith says: “Through faith, men and women consecrate their lives to Christ, leaving everything to live poverty, chastity and obedience, in gospel simplicity, as concrete signs of their hope in the coming of the Saviour without delay. Through faith, many Christians work for justice to put into practice the word of the Lord, who came to proclaim freedom from oppression and a year of grace for all (cf LK 4,18-19)”.

The Church and the Salesian Family honour their memory and present them as models of fidelity and integrity.

Published 02/09/2013

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