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13/8/2013 - Mexico - Salesianity School, Level IV
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(ANS – Tlazala) – From 2 to 5 August 2013, the fourth level of the Salesian Studies, entitled "An inspiration for life" was held in the "Casa del Hombre Nuevo" at Tlazala. Fr. Daniel Garcia Reynoso, Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, guided the activities and was accompanied by a team of teachers who had been working together for 7 years to bring forth this experience.

There were about 80 participants: religious, lay people, educators, cooperators and pastoral staff from various Salesian centers and institutes, as well as from various groups and institutions outside the Salesian Family.

In line with the preparation for the bicentenary of Don Bosco's birth, the chosen theme of this course level was about the Spiritual Pedagogy inspired by the Holy Spirit in the Salesian charism.

Among the topics explored: The origins of Salesian Spirituality; The 5 cores of Salesian Spirituality: Always Joyful, With Christ, For the World, In the Church, and Like Mary; Holiness as a spiritual experience of Don Bosco, based on the Blessed Sacrament and on Mary.

On Saturday, August 3, the provincial, Fr. Gabino Hernández Paleta, an expert on the figure of St. Francis de Sales, presented the characteristics and the influence of this great saint on Don Bosco.

The course was characterized by a family spirit and happiness, with moments of entertainment and leisure alternating with the moments of spirituality, lectio divina, adoration, Eucharistic and penitential liturgies, prayer and the times for reflection and for deepening the topics presented.

Posted on 13/08/2013

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