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6/8/2013 - Mozambique - First Salesian National Congress on the Preventive System
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(ANS – Maputo) –The First Salesian National Congress on the Preventive System took place from 1 to 3 August at the “Centro Dom Bosco” of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA). The meeting was also intended to bring to a conclusion the second year of preparation for the Bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco, which focussed specifically on Don Bosco’s pedagogy. 

There were more than 170 participants – Salesians, FMA, members of the various groups of the Salesian Family as well as teachers and other members of staff of the schools and youth centres and of all the Salesian houses in Mozambique.

Activities began with Mass at which Auxiliary Bishop João Carlos Nunes of Maputo presided.  He took the opportunity to thank the Salesian Family for the work which its members do every day for young people and for the Church.  Then, after the usual greetings from the Salesian and FMA superiors, the contributions of the various speakers began. These were followed, throughout the whole of the congress, by group work and discussion to help to interiorize the topics and see how to put them into practice. The first contribution was from Fr Manuel Leal who analyzed the Preventive System with reference to Don Bosco and the historical and political situation of the time, and to various documents on the topic.  In the afternoon, Sister Luisa Macamo, FMA, spoke on the “Guiding Principles of the Preventive System”, analyzing in detail the three hinges of Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness.  The day ended with time for sharing in local groups.

The second day opened with a talk given by Manuel Rego, from the Ministry of Education, who spoke about the actual situation and the present challenges facing the education system in Mozambique. His contribution was greatly appreciated because it helped us to understand the field of action of the Salesian Family for the period 2012-2016,  in the real situation of the country. In the afternoon, the Spanish Missionary, Fr Ángel Miranda took a close look at the “Difficulties and Challenges in the Application of the Preventive System”. This was followed by a presentation of good Salesian practices from different Salesian works in the country. The day concluded with the community Mass for the Memorial of the Salesian, Blessed Augusto Czartorisky.

On the third and final day the Congress Moderator, Fr José Angel Rajoy Troitiño, invited all the participants to summarize, either in groups or individually, the many ideas and suggestions heard on the previous days. The Superior of the Vice-Province, Fr Americo Chaquisse, presided at the final Eucharist of the Congress, during which he recalled Don Bosco’s dream at the age of nine and the origin of the Preventive System.

The Congress ended with the presentation of certificates to the participants, a greeting from the Salesian and FMA superiors, and a pleasant community lunch, before all eventually departed for their respective destinations.

Published 06/08/2013

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