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5/8/2013 - Germany - Salesian Cultural and Environmental Centre celebrates 25th anniversary
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(ANS – Benediktbeuern) – 25 years commitment to environment and culture: the German Cultural and Environmental Centre (ZUK) in Benediktbeuern celebrated its 25th anniversary on the 13th and 14th July 2013. At the two days of celebration many politicians, sponsors, founders, cooperators and employees came to look back on the history of the centre founded by Salesians.

On Saturday a “feast-academy” was held to have a closer look at the work of the German Cultural and Environmental Centre in Benediktbeuern and its achievements in the regional and national environment and culture. “The formation of the Centre was a risk with an uncertain future”, says P. Heiner Heim, chairman of the Federation responsible for the Centre, “but it has been successful.” By now the centre is an institution known across regional borders. At the same time Heim thanked the employees and voluntary workers for their commitment to environmental education and nature protection.

The Centre was founded in 1988 by the Salesian Fr Helmut Mauser who worked out a project on paper and pushed the idea with the support of many helpers.  He also had the courage to renovate the old building called “Maierhof” which was at that time falling into decay. Since then ZUK offers an eclectic educational program for children and adults with excursions in nature study, as well as seminars and projects for the protection of species and swamps. Around 90,000 visitors come each year, among them 20,000 young people, to learn a lot more about nature and the environment as well as about environment protection and cultural care. In this way ZUK is acting on behalf of the Salesian mission to safeguard Creation, a core value of the daily Salesian work.

The German Provincial, Fr Josef Grünner, praised the dedication of the employees and workers. “Through ZUK young people are shown the beauty of nature and they will be motivated to protect it. It is impressive what has been developed in these 25 years”, says Fr Grünner proudly.

The celebration ended up with a special service in honour of the patron St. Benedikt in the church of the monastery at Benediktbeuern, with some side-programmes  for children and adults afterwards.

Published 05/08/2013

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