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1/8/2013 - RMG - Salesian Saints in the month of August

(ANS – Rome) – The Salesianliturgical calendar for the month of August records three members of the Salesian Family who have been beatified:  Fr Augustus Czartoryski, SDB; Sister Maria Troncatti, FMA; e Zephyrinus Namuncurà. Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General of the Causes of the Saints of the Salesian Family introduces them:

2 August, Blessed Augustus Czartoryski

As we celebrate the memorial of this man who always wanted to be a Salesian, we recall the words of Blessed John Paul II on the occasion of his beatification, 25 April 2004: Augustus Czartoryski, a young prince, carefully prepared an effective method to discern the divine plan. In prayer, he presented to God all questions and deep perplexities, and then in the spirit of obedience he followed the counsel given by his spiritual guides. In this way he came to understand his vocation and to take up the life of poverty to serve the "least". The same method enabled him throughout the course of his life to make decisions, so that today we can say that he accomplished the designs of Divine Providence in a heroic way.

I would like to leave this example of holiness especially to young people, who today search out the way to decipher God's will relating to their own lives and desire to faithfully forge ahead each day according to the divine word. My dear young friends, learn from Blessed Augustus to ask ardently in prayer for the light of the Holy Spirit and wise guides, so that you may understand the divine plan in your lives and are able to walk constantly on the path of holiness.

 25 August, Blessed Maria Troncatti

Even though the memorial cannot be celebrated liturgically this year, because it falls on a Sunday, this is, nonetheless, the first memorial of Blessed Maria Troncatti, FMA, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, who was beatified in Macas (Ecuador) on 24 November 2012.

Maria was born at Corteno Golgi (Brescia, Italy) on 16 February 1883. She had a happy childhood as one of a large family. She was diligent in attending catechism lessons in the parish and in frequenting the Sacraments. She waited until she reached her majority before asking to be admitted to the Institute of the FMA, and made her first profession at Nizza Monferrato in 1908. During the first World War (1915-18) she worked as a member of the Red Cross in a military hospital, an experience that was to prove invaluable to her later. In 1922, she left for Ecuador and was sent to work with the indigenous Shuar people, where she began the difficult task of evangelization. Macas, Sevilla don Bosco and Sucúa are some of the ‘miracles’ wrought by Sr Troncatti that are still flourishing. Her work on behalf of the Shuar women is still bearing fruit in hundreds of Shuar Christian families, formed by free choice by the young couples. She died in a tragic air crash at Sucúa on 25 August 1969.

The power of her witness came from her strong faith. She prayed a lot and got others to pray. Following a good Salesian tradition, she had a particular love for the Holy Father and great respect for bishops and priests.

26 August, Blessed Zephyrinus Namuncurà

Zephyrinus was born into a proud generous family of the powerful Indian tribe called the Araucans, in the land of Patagonia. If he was able to attain a high level of holiness, it was because he found a fertile soil in the human qualities of his land and his people. He carried within him the sufferings, the anxieties and the aspirations of the Mapuches. It was precisely during the years of his childhood that they first encountered the Gospel and became open to the gift of faith.

Zephyrinus took Dominic Savio as his model. There is an image of Dominic and Zephyrinus with Don Bosco in the Vatican Basilica. From Dominic, he took that formula for holiness which Don Bosco used to give his boys: “Be always cheerful; perform your duties of study and prayer well; help your companions.” Zephyrinus reached a very high level of gospel perfection by fulfilling his everyday duties, and he is a reminder to all of us that holiness is not something exceptional, reserved to a few. It is the vocation of all Christians.

Further information is available on in the section on Blesseds.

Published 01/08/2013

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