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22/7/2013 - Brazil - SYM: some Salesians among the Bishops giving catechism lessons

(ANS – Rio de Janeiro)– Over the next few days, no fewer than 257 Cardinals and Bishops, among them 13 Salesians, will give catechism lessons as part of the World Youth Day at Rio de Janeiro.

These catechism lessons, in different languages, are one of the most important parts of this world youth event. They will be held on 24, 25 and 26 July. The reflections given by the Bishops will help the young people to understand better the central theme of WYD 2013, inspired by the verse of St Matthew’s Gospel, “Go and make disciples of all nations!” (cf Mt 28,19).

The Bishops will give their teaching in the principal languages: Portuguese (112 Bishops), Spanish (52), English (24), Italian (15), French (15), German (8) and Polish(5); plus 26 Bishops in other languages.  The youthful pilgrims will gather in Churches, halls and other places in Rio de Janeiro, which is the main centre, and in Niterói, Caxias, Iguaçú.

The following Salesian Bishops and Cardinals have been invited to participate in the Catechism lessons:

In Spanish

  • Archbishop  Oscar Julio Vian of Guatemala - Guatemala
  • Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa - Honduras
  • Bishop Daniel Sturla, Auxiliary Bishop of Montevideo - Uruguay

In Italian

  • Bishop Enrico dal Covolo, Rector Magnificus of the Lateran Pontifical University - Italia

In Portuguese

  • Bishop Valerio Breda of Penedo - Brazil
  • Bishop Joaquim Augusto Da Silva Mendes, Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Archbishop Milton Antônio Dos Santos of Cuiabá – Brazil
  • Archbishop Vittorio Pavanello, Archbishop Emeritus of Campo Grande – Brazil
  • Bishop Tarcisio Scaramussa, Auxiliary Bishop of San Paolo - Brazil
  • Bishop Antonio Carlos Altieri of Passo Fundo – Brazil
  • Bishop Flavio Giovenale of Santarém – Brazil
  • Bishop Eduardo Da Silva, Auxiliary Bishop of Campo Grande – Brazil

 In Chinese

  • Cardinal Zen Ze-kiun, Bishop Emeritus of  Hong Kong


Published 22/07/2013

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