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19/7/2013 - Brazil - On my breast I carry a cross
Photo for the article -BRAZIL – ON MY BREAST I CARRY A CROSS

(ANS – Niterói)– The participation of the Salesian Youth Movement in the World Youth Day at Rio de Janeiro is marked by a logo which symbolizes the events of the First Continental Meeting, and of the World Forum and the Feast and Vigil which will be celebrated on 24 July.

The logo of the Continental Meeting of the Salesian Youth Movement is made up of five coloured squares depicting the events mentioned above. It was created to illustrate the characteristic elements of Salesian Youth Spirituality.

The cross recalls the evangelizing and missionary dimension of Salesian youth, which is realized in the daily encounter with God and in the ordinary experience of life. The letter “G” in the black square stands for Jesus (Gesù in Italian), who is at the centre of Salesian Youth Spirituality, and also for Youth (Giovanile in Italian), who are at the centre of the SYM and AJS (Articulação da Juventude Salesiana per il Brasile), a reminder of the Salesian preferential option for the young.

The squares in yellow, red, green, blue and black signify the Salesian presence in the five continents and express one of the principal characteristics of Don Bosco’s charism, namely joy. This is the symbol that the Salesian young people will carry on their breast during the WYD at Rio de Janeiro.

For further information on the logo:

Published 19/07/2013

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