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17/7/2013 - Brazil - Young pilgrims welcomed by families for the Missionary Week

(ANS – Rio de Janeiro) – There are many families in the whole of Brazil that share the Salesian charism. During these days these families are welcoming young pilgrims from all over the world who are taking part in the Missionary Week, in World Youth Day (WYD) and in the World meeting of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM).

From statistics given by the SYM coordinators, there are more than 10,000 young people from Salesian centres all over the world who are arriving right now in Brazil. Many delegations reached Brazil yesterday, 16 July, although the date for WYD in Rio de Janeiro was fixed for 21 July.

In the interval between their arrival in Brazil and setting out for Rio de Janeiro, the young people are invited to take part in what is called the “Missionary Week”.

“Young people from all over the world are scattered in more than 150 Brazilian towns and cities, and others are still to come. From Amazonas to Rio Grande do Sul, they are getting to know our land, our fragrances, our food, our culture and our spirituality”. That was the comment made on one of the social networks by Fr Carlos Savio Ribeiro, one of the leaders of the Episcopal Commission for Youth Ministry of the Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB, in Portuguese).

The programme of the Missionary Week will take place wherever the young foreign pilgrims are hosted, following guidelines given by CNBB based on three pillars:

  1. Evangelization – though the blessing of the homes;
  2. Social Activities – with visits to hospitals, social services and other institutions;
  3. Cultural activities – exhibitions of dance, music and regional traditions.

For the Salesian Missionary Week, the distribution of the pilgrims was arranged with each Salesian province, and each community will be responsible for young people from a particular country.

For example, at Pindamonhangaba, in the State of San Paolo, young people from Luanda, Angola (who happen to speak Portuguese) will be hosted. “138 young people will stay here, with the collaboration of some families who opened their doors to welcome them” explained Samir Biaggi, a Salesian student  from the organizing team.

Published 17/07/2013

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