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13/5/2013 - Brazil - The SYM at WYD: the journey so far
Photo for the article -BRAZIL  – THE SYM AT WYD: THE JOURNEY SO FAR

(ANS – Niterói) – With just two months to go to the meeting of young people with the Pope, ANS is offering a summary of what the Salesian Family in Brazil has done up to now, in preparation for the World Youth Day in Rio.

The activities being carried out in these months in Salesian circles in Brazil are characterized by the Salesian spirit, and the creativity and leadership of the young people. In parishes and schools the young people have been studying the themes of WYD, and in their meetings they have been using material prepared for this purpose. In some places, new groups have started and it is hoped that their activities will continue even after July. Where no specific activities were planned, young people who are inspired by the charism of Don Bosco have been taking part in diocesan activities.

Preparation for WYD began in September 2011with the meeting at Bote Fé, when the WYD Cross and the Icon of Our Lady arrived in Brazil. The symbols of the WYD were brought to the Coração de Jesus High School, and from there they were taken in procession to the military airport at Campo de Marte, San Paolo, where more than 100.000 people were waiting, including hundreds of Salesian youth.  This year’s preparations for the event in July started early with the Campaign of Fraternity on the theme “Fraternity and Youth” and the motto, “Here I am, Lord, send me” (Is 6,8).

University Day
As a contribution to the Campaign of Fraternity in preparation for the WYD, the Salesian University Centre of San Paolo – UNISAL, organized a theological symposium on the PIUS XI campus from 6 to 8 March. The theme was “Young people under the microscope: similarities and differences”.

Dancing and Proclaiming
Another way of preparing for WYD is through music. The young people of Campinas and Lorena showed that they were already in spirit and communion with the Pope and all the young people of the world when young missionaries, candidates for confirmation and students from the Salesian school got together for a music festival.

Welcoming and Carrying the Cross
Some Salesian communities had the privilege of receiving the Cross and the Marian Icon of WYD. They included “Nossa Senhora do Carmo” Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Guaratinguetá, and the “Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora – INSA/Oratorio” of Cruzeiro.
Work and creativity

Not all those who want to go to Rio de Janeiro can afford it.  To resolve this problem, some Salesian groups have had to resort to creativity. In the Salesian parish of Campinas and in that of Itaquera, the young people are selling cakes, sweets and drinks outside the Church after Mass. There were similar initiatives on 19 April at the São José school in Campinas, with the collaboration of the São José Campinas branch of UNISAL and the Salesian Cooperators.
Formation and Prayer
On 26 March there was a big gathering at Coração de Jesus High School in San Paolo with about 400 young people coming from the Maria Ausiliatrice Province of the Salesians  and the St Catherine of Siena Province of the FMA.  On 14 April the young people from the Sagrada Familia Parish of São José dos Campos who are going to the WYD took part in Kairos, a meeting with the title “The Sower went out to sow.” (Mt 3,13).  From now until July many other activities will take place to ensure that young people are well prepared, motivated  and inspired to foster communion and exchange experiences with other young people from every part of the world. From 16 to 20 July the communities will welcome young people of different nationalities who are taking part in the Missionary Week, a period to share cultural experiences and evangelizing and missionary work.

Published 13/05/2013

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