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8/5/2013 - Slovakia - Leadership School for Salesian Past Pupils of Europe
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(ANS – Vinicné) – The third meeting of the Leadership School for Young Salesian Past Pupils (GEX) of Europe was held from 1 to 4 May at Vinicné, Bratislava. The course, which is run on a three-year cycle, follows a definite formation plan with specific topics and methods, drawn up by the confederation. This gathering marked the end of the second three-year course which began in Liege in 2011 and continued in Mestre in 2012.

About 30 young people from Italy, Spain and Slovakia took part. The meeting was further enriched by the presence at the same time of the European Presidents and Delegates of the Past Pupils. The young members were able to share some formative and recreational moments with them.
Among those taking part were the World President, Francesco Muceo, the GEX Presidents from Spain and Italy, Carlos Córdoba and Matteo Lai, the World Delegate José Pastor Ramírez and the National Delegates from Spain and Italy, Fr Luis Fernando Álvarez and Fr Guido Errico. The event was coordinated by the Deputy World Delegate of the GEX, Ángel Gudiña, and by the Committee of the Past Pupils of Slovakia: Michal Hort, Vice-President; Michal Nemcek e Anna Hortovà, secretaries, and Fr Ivan Zitnansky, delegate.

The aim of the European Leadership School is to motivate, encourage and accompany the groups of GEX to acquire and put into practice the qualities and skills needed to be real leaders among the past pupils in Europe.

There were numerous speakers who dealt with the role of the past pupils from different points of view. They gave the GEX several points to reflect on, and guidelines for leadership. Fr Stefan Turansky presented the Charismatic Identity Card of the Salesian Family; Ángel Gudiña explored the topics of human resources, how to conduct meetings, cooperation and interaction in Europe; Fr Errico outlined the profile of a Christian past pupil; Fr Pastor Ramírez spoke about young past pupils and their    human, Christian and Salesian values; Luisa Bertiato introduced the Statute of the World Confederation; Fr Maros Peciar spoke about new technology; and finally
Domenica Sapienza addressed the question of coordinating communication in Europe.

The Presidents and Delegates spent time on formation, on the situation of the Association and the Federations in Europe, the meeting of EuroBosco in Malta in November 2013, the 2014 EuroGEX project, and the proposal from Slovakia on the technical coordination of the Association at world level.

The GEX on their part, resolved to study, love and invoke Don Bosco as founder, educator and spiritual father; to cultivate a sense of belonging to the local union, the Province, the Association and the Salesian Family; to manage correctly and in a Salesian way the human and technical resources of the Association; to pay attention to human, Christian and Salesian formation so as to ensure their professional competence, their moral conscience and social commitment.

The meeting, which was marked by an atmosphere of fraternity and sharing, ended with Mass at which the Provincial of Slovakia, Fr Karol Manik, presided.

Published 08/05/2013

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