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8/2/2013 - Ecuador - 125 years
Photo for the article -ECUADOR – 125 YEARS
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(ANS – Quito)– On Monday 28 January, Ecuador celebrated the 125th anniversary of the arrival of the Salesians in the country. The first missionaries disembarked at Guayaquil on 12 January 1888 and reached Quito on the 28th of the same month. Don Bosco, who died three days later, on 31 January 1888, found out about their arrival and sent them his blessing. 

To celebrate the occasion the new set-up for the “Grupo Editorial Salesiano” was opened bringing together Salesian Social Communication works – LNS, Abya Yala, Audiovisuales Don Bosco. There is also space for the José Ruaro Salesian Publications Centre, which looks after: “Ser Joven”, “Ser Familia”, “Anunciar”, “Ser Peques” and “Luz del Domingo” magazines.

Fr Marcelo Farfán, the Provincial, presided at the blessing ceremony for the new area, and many Salesians, officials and members of Salesian communications work were present.

Dr. Viviana Montalvo, Vice Rector of the Salesian Polytechnic University, Quito proposed the toast and emphasised how the Salesians had been able to carry out all their projects thanks to a work of cooperation and the great contribution of people who had accompanied them over the years since they came to Ecuador.

The new Salesian Provincial House community dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, was also blessed for the 125th. It brings together the El Girón and old Provincial House, a process that has been in place since August 2011.

The new community structures are open to Salesians throughout the province  and also offer better care for those who are of poor health; this has all been possible thanks to the cooperation of many people, coordinated by the Provincial Economer, Fr Alfredo Espinoza.

Published 08/02/2013

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