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17/12/2012 - Italy - Corumbá ’s mission: Making youngsters happy

(ANS – Rome) –Today, December 17th, begins the solidarity campaign promoted by the Don Bosco in the World Foundation in support of the Happy Youngsters Project, run by 'Cidade Dom Bosco', Corumbá, Mato Grosso. On this occasion we interviewed the Director of the project, Fr Osvaldo Scotti, who came to Rome to attend the Christmas Concert 2012, an event linked to the campaign.

Could you explain what kind of work this is?
It’s a work where priority is given to young people at risk, to help them fit into society. Through the children we also reach out to families. In Corumbá we’re trying to rescue children from dangers like prostitution, drug trafficking that are frequently encountered on the border with Bolivia. Through study, vocational training, Christian education we prevent them from falling into vice; we want to enable them to be complete citizens like everyone else.

When and how did Corumbá originate?
It was founded in 1961 by the Slovenian Salesian, Fr Ernesto Saksida. The first technical school was established in a very poor and violent neighbourhood which has been transformed today and is known as the suburb of 'Dom Bosco'. I think that over the 51 years of its work at least 25,000-30,000 young people have received training, an education, proper direction for life – not to mention those who have had a temporary support. Many of our students remain for 10 years and more do their school studies, at the end of which they receive some help for University and then family assistance and so it creates a very strong bond. Today, some of them have become university professors!

What is your work, specifically?
Every day nearly 3,000 minors pass through Cidade Dom Bosco: about 2,000 students are in the primary and middle schools, with courses in the morning, afternoon and evening; the vocational school has 500 others; then there is social welfare and the Happy Youngsters Project with about 300 children.

Who are the beneficiaries of this project?
At the end of the school day youngsters return home without finding anyone because there is no family or they only come back at night, and so they spend all their time on the street. Anyone walking the street ends up being exploited, has little to eat and so falls into the trap of drugs and prostitution. For this reason we keep them even after school, let them eat and spend the afternoon with us and go home only at night, when maybe a parent or a grandmother, some responsible person can take care of them. They are the most disadvantaged, because although other students are poor, given that the area has high emigration and only those with fewer opportunities remain behind in Corumbá, at least they have someone to be with them.

How can you achieve all this?
It is a work that is maintained through distance adoptions. We currently have 1000 supporters: 750 from Italy, 250 from Slovenia and 50 from Spain. And we have certain agreements with local authorities. The State, for example, is responsible for the maintenance of the school. But, in recent times, with national and international economic crisis, the high value of the Brazilian currency, the Real, there has been a decrease in donations. Either we search for alternatives or we will be forced to reduce the services.

What is the hope you feel your youngsters need?
That they can realize their dreams.

The Don Bosco in the World Foundation, which launched the Christmas solidarity campaign in support of the Happy Youngsters Project, Corumbá, hopes to contribute to make this dream come true

Published 17/12/2012

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