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6/12/2012 - India - Communications Fair at Tej Prasarini

(ANS – Bombay) – The "Tej Prasarini" Institute of Communication of the Province of Bombay last week celebrated the twentieth anniversary of its establishment by promoting a Books and Media Fair. The initiative brought together about 20 production and publishing houses, traditional and digital, from around the country, attracting a large number of students and interested people.

The Fair, opened on November 29th by journalist and writer Naresh Fernandes, involved various events such as exhibitions of books and multimedia resources, a seminar on digital publishing, presenting several books and CDs and a series of workshops for the training of students in the field of the media.

On Friday, November 30th, while students and other visitors continued the workshop activities, competitions and performances related to the various media, the most anticipated event of the fair began: a meeting at national level of Catholic publishers, promoted by the Tej Prasarini Institute in collaboration with the Office of Social Communication of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India.

Participants at the meeting, representing 11 Catholic publishing houses, met throughout the day on various topics of common interest, delving into topics such as publishing challenges posed by the internet and new media, the gradual convergence of the media and the possibilities and problems of e-marketing.

A Commission was also appointed for the occasion to strengthen relationships and networks in view of the 50th anniversary of the Indian Catholic Press Association (ICPA); 5 members were appointed, including the Salesian Fr John Kennedy.

The 1st of December was an opportunity to pay homage to the founder of Tej Prasarini, Fr Peter Gonsalves, for his 25 years of priestly ministry. In fact, a compilation CD of 70 of his mood music songs, entitled "Lyrical Food for the Soul" was released

On the final day of the Fair, the Provincial of Bombay, Fr Michael Fernandes, surprised the community of Tej Prasarini by handing the Medal of Honour of Don Bosco to the Director of the Institute, Fr. Joaquim Fernandes.

Published 06/12/2012 

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