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29/11/2012 - Germany - Province Mission Offices look to 2105
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(ANS – Bonn) – The second Provincial and National Salesian Mission Offices seminar concluded on 28 November by drawing up a “Road-Map” which looks to 2015. Its conclusions will help Provinces to either put in place or strengthen their Mission Offices.

The meeting, which began on November 26, involved some 40 participants, Salesians and lay people over 11 working sessions. Many Provinces were represented: 6 from Africa, 8 from America, 7 from Asia and Oceania, 8 from Europe.

Keynote speakers included: Fr Václav Klement, Councillor for the Missions, and Br. Jean-Paul Muller, Economer General. Mr. Markus Brüker, a lay theologian for Misereor, German Bishops Conference Development Agency. He presented the experience of this Catholic missionary agency across the world.

Tackling these topics enabled people to identify the role and positioning of Mission Offices in a globalised world. The Salesian Mission Office is entirely focused on serving the Salesian charism in the universal Church.

A typical Salesian Mission Office includes amongst its activities: the spread of the Gospel message in society; arousing interest in Salesian work and supporting it through various kinds of fund raising; attention to the vocational and formative dimensions. There were two interesting perspectives: the Salesian Mission Office as a Salesian window on the world and evangelization via missionary solidarity campaigns.

The participants appreciated the sharing of best practice as presented by 8 Provinces and 3 international Mission Offices, which was useful especially for the Provinces that are launching their own Office (South Korea, Tropical Equatorial Africa, the Nigeria Delegation, Porto Alegre and Belo Horizonte, Brazil,  and Slovakia).

Mission Offices were offered new approaches: social awareness campaigns in State schools, forming lay workers for the Mission Office, ministry to benefactors who are increasingly considered to be collaborators, concrete steps for starting up a Mission Office in Africa or Asia.

A number of documents were submitted to the seminar; of particular interest were: "How to support the urgent needs of Salesian education in poor countries" and "Concrete steps for starting up a Mission Office". The final document"2015 Road Map" helps Provinces either to  establish or accompany their mission office with clear criteria. It should employ professionals who are competent and committed and who have adequate training in analysing the social context, in project management and finances, and in Salesian characteristics.

The documents are available in Agorà (in Thanks to Salesian Missions Madrid, the acts of the seminar will soon be published.

The silent work of the Salesian Mission Office Directors and their teams helps the dreams of missionaries of Don Bosco come true in 132 countries around the world where the Salesians are present.

Published 29/11/2012

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