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21/11/2012 - RMG - The direction established at Madrid to continue: Pope’s message for WYD 2013

(ANS – Rome) – Saturday last, 16 November, Benedict XVI's Message for the 28th World Youth Day was published. World Youth Day will take place from 23 to 28 July 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with the theme: “Go and make disciples of all nations!” (cfr Mt 28:19). Fr Fabio Attard, Councillor for Youth Ministry, presents the text and a Salesian interpretation of it.

Reading the Pope's message for the next WYD in Rio, one gets the impression of a continuation of Madrid's spirit.

Rapport with Jesus touches above all on the questions hidden deeply in our hearts. Faced with the difficulties of the world today, many ask themselves: What can I do? The light of faith helps us understand that everyone's existence is inestimable, because it is the result of God's love.

From this question of meaning the Pope opens the way for proper discipleship to lead to apostolic activity by putting Jesus' command into practice. He recalls one of John Paul's lines: “faith is strengthened when it is given to others!” (Redemptoris Missio, 2). There is no such thing as faith which is not shared. This gift grows by sharing it, and when we see how much we have been loved there is nothing else we can do but to share and proclaim this experience.

The Pope does not alter the direction taken by Madrid, and in fact he reinforces it by indicating two clear guidelines. The first is to be part of the virtual world of the Internet. He invites young people not only to be consumers but to be active, to leave signs of their faith and belief there: “I ask you to introduce into the culture of this new environment of communications and information technology the values on which you have built your lives. [...] It falls, in particular, to young people, who have an almost spontaneous affinity for the new means of communication, to take on the responsibility for the evangelization of this ‘digital continent’”.So then, the Pope is handing over to them the task of evangelization in this continent, calling then to be the principal players.

The second is the question of mobility. In a context where it is young people who make up a good part of the movement of migration, the Pope asks them to recognise this new phenomenon as a providential opportunity to spread the Gospel. Here too they are to be active in their own history, their own daily circumstances.

Finally, the Pope reminds them of two aspects without which their activity risks being empty: the importance of prayer and sacramental life. Here is the invitation to be anchored in prayer and sacramental life: “Authentic evangelization is born of prayer and sustained by prayer: We must first speak with God in order to be able to speak about God”. The second, essential for real evangelization, is that they feel part of the Church: “No one can bear witness to the Gospel alone. Jesus sent forth his disciples on mission together. He spoke to them in the plural when he said: “Make disciples.”

These are two elements which someone involved in youth ministry cannot be forgotten. There is no true youth ministry unless it is nurtured by the Word and the Sacraments; there is no true evangelization unless it is part of a loving relationship with Jesus in prayer and the church community.

By inviting young people to “Be yourselves the heart and arms of Jesus!”, Pope Benedict is asking them to be witnesses of his love: “Be a new generation of missionaries, impelled by love and openness to all!”

A final note: The pope has understood the hearts of the young, while young people are showing themselves more desirous of words that challenge them, words from authentic and credible witnesses. I believe that here the truth of youth ministry is in play: strong in faith, we joyfully go ahead witnessing to the Lord of life!

The complete text for the Message for the 28th World Youth Day has been published on the Vatican web site.

Published 21/11/2012

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