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14/11/2012 - Italy - To improve Salesian Theological Formation: the steps to accomplish
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(ANS – Turin) – The operational conclusions of the meeting of the Principals of the Salesian centres of theological studies and of those in charge of the Salesian Theologates, held in Turin from 7th to 10th November, sees leading Heads called to "take the initiative to involve teachers, to motivate students, to activate processes and to plan interventions".

At the end of the gathering, the Councillor for Formation, Fr Francesco Cereda gave participants a letter with some elements, which surfaced and were shared, "useful for a journey of student guidance, for Permanent Training of the teachers, for strengthening study Centres".

The guidelines which emerged, aimed at overcoming some of the challenges and improving intellectual and theological education, looked at three matters – students, faculty, and study centres – called to interact with different roles and tasks, all with the same apostolic passion. An approach to the study of theology that must take count of personalization, of the intellectual formation of the student and of his maturation in the vocation and in the Salesian mission.

Teachers with their teaching, must be able to provide motivation, foster mature convictions, arouse interest and, more importantly, to communicate their own passion for theological content. There is, therefore, a need for a permanent formation offered by the study centre, which enable teachers of theology to acquire a methodology in teaching that favours the proposal of contents and, through active methods, promote the study and research work of the student.

The study Centres, in their turn, are called to create a climate and structures for participation and co-responsibility for the teachers who devote themselves to research and publication; to develop formation proposals for the territory and thereby to open doors to even non-Salesian students.

During the meeting at Turin, three particular areas of formation were taken into account: the pastoral, spiritual and intellectual. The reading of the context, the design and evaluation, the research into new forms of transmission of the faith, the work in teams and the ability of leadership as a service to the animation of groups, the formation of pastoral workers, are some of the contents picked out in the pastoral area.

Regarding the spiritual formation, it is necessary to increase the presentation of the spiritual purpose of the disciplines, the fundamental spiritual theology courses and special spiritual theology; encourage teachers to a witness of spiritual life; and, above all, enable students to personal accompaniment of the young.

The intellectual formation must help the young Salesian students to acquire an ability to reflect, to concentrate and debate by picking an item of theology, a connection between study and life.

Two other points of interest developed during the meeting of the chairmen and representatives of theological studies were the study plans and the coordination of study centres.

The Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Salesian University will develop a proposal, together with Departments of Turin and Jerusalem, to be submitted to any aggregate or affiliate Centre to evaluate necessary changes; while the Department for Formation, in dialogue with the same Faculty, will make a proposal about the fundamental pastoral theology courses that will be required.

The Salesian studies, previewed in the study plans, will have to consider the following themes: "Don Bosco, Founder", "Salesian spirituality", "consecrated Salesian Vocation and its two forms"; "Salesian Youth Pastoral ". The Faculty of Theology was invited to introduce into the three years of theological courses: "Theology of the ordained Ministry" and "Theology of consecrated life".

To facilitate greater coordination in the autumn of 2015, a meeting of the Faculty of Theology of the UPS along with its Departments, aggregate Centres and affiliated Centres should take place in Rome. Meanwhile, we would also work on forms of coordination between teachers of Theological discipline, especially with a view to joint research at the service of the Congregation and the Church.

Published 13/11/2012

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