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7/11/2012 - Italy - The Venerable Fr Quadrio: God’s smile to whoever approached

(ANS – Torino) – On Saturday 10th November, the Turin branch of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Salesian University celebrates the 75th  Anniversary of its foundation with a symposium dedicated to one of the most significant personalities who have worked in it: the Venerable Fr Giuseppe Quadrio. The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, past student of the Faculty, is expected to attend the Conference, at the end of which in the morning will bless the new tomb where the remains of the Venerable will rest, in the church of the Institute open to the public.

2013 marks the 50th Anniversary of the death of Venerable Fr. Quadrio (1921-1963). The celebrations of this anniversary began on Sunday 21st October at Vervio, birthplace of the Salesian priest. At the Hall, an informal meeting of the Association "Friends of Fr Quadrio" was held, animated by Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General, in order to promote the cause and coordinate a number of concrete initiatives aimed at spreading the knowledge and the imitation of models of sanctity blooming in these lands: with Fr Quadrio, Fr Carlos Braga and Sister Mary Troncatti, the next Blessed.

Then, Fr Luigi Testa, Rector of the International Institute of Torino Crocetta, presided over a Mass concelebrated by Fr. Gianluca Dei Cas, Archpriest of Mazzo and parish priest of Vervio, Fr Andrea Bozzolo, Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Crocetta, and many priests gathered from Rome, Turin and the neighbouring  parishes.

The spirituality of the Venerable Fr Quadrio is well summed up by the motto that has guided his whole existence: "docibilis in Spiritu Sancto". He chose this motto as its new name at Pentecost May 28, 1944, as he prepared for his ordination to the priesthood, entirely by submission to the action of the Holy Spirit as a guide and interior master. This made him able to radiate around him joy, confidence and hope and become like a smile of God to all who approached him, from street children with whom he worked in Rome to the Salesian clerics to whom he devoted the better part of his energies.

In this Year of Faith, his life totally dedicated to the service of the Gospel and to the strong reflection on faith which is theology, makes a wonderful witness to those who look.

Published 07/11/2012

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