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2/11/2012 - Germany - Salesian History: a political, cultural choice and a contribution to the Church and to society

(ANS – Benediktbeuern) – The importance of the European seminar in progress these days at Benediktbeuern, on the History of the Salesian Work, has emerged from its first speeches. In the message of greeting sent to about 60 participants, the Rector Major outlined some elements that encourage greater production and dissemination of a qualified historic-scientific Salesian commitment.

"I am convinced that a true knowledge of our history, while on the one hand puts it at the service of a deeper knowledge of our charism and of our mission, on the other hand represents a safe source for a genuine and responsible creativity in guarding and preserving the substance of the Salesian identity, favouring its expansion in continuity. - wrote Fr Chavez - It constitutes a basis for our recognition in a pluralistic and extremely fragmented culture. I think that a correct interpretation of historical facts can serve to change the keys of reading and understanding of the present time ".

Double the benefit of a proper discernment of a Religious Congregation: to understand its own identity in the Church and in Society and to be able to respond to their demands: "a correct interpretation of the story can become a resource for the same quality of religious life of a Congregation, as a historical approach can also generate innovation, opening new spaces within the Church and Society".

The Salesian historical contribution, though, is not sufficiently discerning in University environments and cultural centres of Europe; a contribution that must now concentrate on not so much on the figure of Don Bosco – already known – but on how "the reality generated by his profound religious vocation, led him to work for the eternal salvation of the world of youth, but also for its fertile soil". You should verify the quality of Salesian historiography on the large and varied European Salesian Family: "If the perception of the contribution of the person of Don Bosco to the improvement of the living conditions of young people is obvious and satisfying, why can't you say the same of the contribution of the SDB, FMA, Salesian Cooperators, or other groups that are generated by the Salesian charism."

The Rector Major noted that "the historical researches conducted in Europe are, compared to other Continents, more numerous, much bigger and richer from a scientific point of view, however, their circulation and, consequently, the impact on development of modern cultural patterns, to be offered to the world of youth, remains limited".

With reference to the second objective of the seminar – Conservation and enhancement of Salesian cultural heritage – Fr Chavez recalled how dear the protection of memory was to Don Bosco: "We must strengthen our conviction – at all levels – that to invest in this sector of our cultural policy is an essential prerequisite for a good and qualified scientific historical production, which will ensure the right to always be present in the intellectual debate on the future of youth. It is a field that the technological progress in the field of human communication has greatly complicated recently. This requires us to rethink in depth our methodological and strategic approach to the task of preserving and passing on our memory".

Published 02/11/2012

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