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30/10/2012 - RMG - ACSSA: to preserve and enhance the Salesian cultural heritage in Europe

(ANS – Rome) –The continental seminar on "the State of Salesian Historiography in the region. Conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage ", will begin tomorrow, 31st October, at Benediktbeuern, promoted by the Salesian Cultural History Association (ACSSA) in collaboration with the Salesian Historical Institute. An appointment that wants to promote useful knowledge in order to recover and strengthen the Salesian identity in the continent of Europe.

About 60 participants are expected at Benediktbeuern, belonging to some groups of the Salesian Family and from 14 European countries. Three national branches from the ACSSA will be represented:  Spanish, the first type and recently relaunched; Italian, in 2009; and the Polish one.

Between the International Conference 2009 on Don Rua - "Don Michele Rua first successor of Don Bosco. Personality traits, management and works (1888-1910) "– and that programmed in 2014 - "The development of the charism of Don Bosco until the middle of the twentieth century "- The President of the ACSSA intended to promote continental seminars in order to determine the situation in Salesian history.

The two continental seminars that preceded the one at Benediktbeuern were celebrated in Nairobi (Kenya from 11th to 14th October, 2011) with a particular focus on the preservation of the spiritual heritage; and in Belo Horizonte (Brazil from 17th to 20th March, 2012). The meeting at Benediktbeuern will be followed by a fourth scheduled for next year in Asia.

There are two goals, joined by methodological reasons, that are the seminar’s focus: a serious analysis and verification of historical investigation on the Salesian work in the Old Continent and the conservation and enhancement of the Salesian cultural heritage.

The seminar of Benediktbeuern will end on November 4th .

Published 30/10/2012

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