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26/9/2012 - United States - Empowering Youth to be Agents of Change

(ANS – New York) – On Monday 24 September, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the  Salesians organized an event, a panel discussion, “Empowering Youth to be Agents of Change in Eradicating Poverty.” Representatives of the Church, governments, and the Salesians presented their perspectives on the effectiveness and  importance of the Salesian  charism in changing individuals and societies.

The event took place during the High Level Meetings on the Rule of Law and the Opening of the 67th General Assembly, thanks to the collaboration  of The Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations and the Permanent Mission of Honduras to the United Nations. Fr. Thomas Brennan SDB, the representative of the Salesians at the United Nations and Mr. Miguel Rimarachin, a UN staff member and Salesian  alumnus, facilitated many of the details of the organization of the event.

In their welcoming remarks, Ambassador Valero from Venezuela and Ambassador Flores from Honduras told of the positive impact of the Salesian works on behalf of the young in their countries and in all of Latin America, especially in education.  Ambassador Valero noted that UNESCO has considered the Salesians as the “largest educational agency that exists today.” Through their presentations they gave witness to the reality that Don Bosco began a vast movement of persons to advocate on behalf of the young, especially those who live in poverty, are marginalized or excluded.

Archbishop Mamberti, Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See, stressed the role of the family in assisting young people in become agents of change in their societies. Additionally, he noted the need to overcome individualism by striving to achieve the common good. Societies themselves must also help create opportunities so that young people will be able to rise to their full potential. This begins when the young are viewed as protagonists rather than problems in a community.

In his role as President of ‘Caritas Internationalis’ the Salesian Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga  has seen the effective promotion of youth as transformative throughout the world. Citing examples from Salesian and Caritas projects, he spoke with enthusiasm about the generosity of the young. He noted that many young people are volunteering their time and talent to improve the lives of others. In fact, the transformation of societies often begins with the zeal, enthusiasm and creativity of young people who often challenge us to see things in new ways and approach life with great passion and dedication.

Bro. Jean Paul Muller, the Economer General of the Salesians, has vast experience with education and development projects. In his address highlighted a number of concrete examples of effective practices run by Salesians around the world that are helping young people escape the poverty trap and allowing them to live free from want and free from fear. He stressed the pedagogy of work, and encouraged us to assist the young in earning a salary and how to spend their financial resources with attention, mindfulness and justice.

All of the speakers noted that voices of the young are important. It is necessary to listen to their aspirations and dreams, their struggles and challenges if they are to be helped to create an enabling environment for more inclusive, just and equitable societies. “Nothing for us, without us” has become a rallying cry for many of those in civil society who seek to effect the common good in their respective societies and cultures. The young seek this consideration as well. In many societies, the young do not have access to power or are excluded from influencing the debates that affect their lives. The implementation of youth centred groups that allows them to voice their concerns can change this.

Youth unemployment needs to be addressed as do child labour and child soldiering. The social protection floor, providing for the basic needs of the young, allows them to better achieve their potential because they are living in an environment conducive to growth and development. Providing them with access to education, health care, clean water and sanitation frees them to grow into productive citizens. Opportunities for sport and leisure activities should also be encouraged and provided. Cultural outings and exposing young people to the wealth of their heritage and to other cultures gives them more resources to engage in a globalized world.

Spirituality is a core value for Salesians. Awakening an openness to God and His work and presence in individual lives and societies is key in empowering young people. It is necessary to encourage young people to develop their spiritual life without proselytizing. Salesian experience in working in cultures where Christianity is not the prime religion has deepened the  awareness of spirituality and the need for inter-religious dialogue.

At the end of the discussion the President of Honduras, Porfirio Pepe Lobo, gave a heartfelt reaction to the discussion that had taken place. He noted the need to consider human rights, ecological rights and a future that is impacted by globalization if we are to assist the young to be agents of change. He called for an interior change for all members of society to help all prosper.

Don Bosco responded to the needs of the young in his times and he challenges Salesians today to do the same. To accomplish this, it is necessary to  listen to them and accompany them on their journey of self-discovery and fulfilment.

Published 26/09/2012

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