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18/9/2012 - Angola - A new house for street boys: a helping hand so that no-one goes back

(ANS – Luanda) – On Friday 14 September at Luanda, in Angola, St. Kizito House, a first reception centre for street boys. It is a joint international cooperation project involving Salesians, VIS volunteers and Public Institutions.

The re-construction as part of a “Social Protection Network for the most vulnerable and marginalised children and adolescents in Luanda” Project which is co-financed by the European Union and the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs has led to considerable improvement in the living conditions of these youngsters.

The house which functions as a day and night shelter is welcoming, colourful and clean  as the small boys proudly explain. In the large playground at the back which is ideal for sporting activities, thanks to a new plumbing system there is running water, neat toilet facilities and a well-equipped kitchen.

At present in the house there are 20 boys aged between 10 and 15 who with great efforts are taking the first small steps in the difficult path from life on the streets to a new way with education and the recovery of their personal dignity often lost on the streets of Luanda. As the boys explain it is named after St. Kizito, a Ugandan, who died as a martyr at 14 years of age and who was the inspiration of the boys and of Fr Roberto Musante SDB in drawing up  the motto: “We give a helping hand so that no-one goes back.”

The opening took place in the presence of Federica Polselli, the one in charge of the Italian Cooperation Office in the Italian Embassy in Luanda; of Antonella Palmieri, a journalist accredited to the Italian Agency of Journalists; youngsters from the reception centre also involved in the project; staff from the centre; Salesians and volunteers from the International Voluntary Service for Development (VIS). For the boys with songs, dances performances and smiles the celebration was also an opportunity to thank those even far away who are thinking about them affectionately recognising the importance of a centre like the one where they are now living.

The celebration ended with a meal together in which they all shared.

Published 18/09/2012

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