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10/9/2012 - Malta - New Hostel at “Osanna Pia”
Photo for the article -MALTA – NEW HOSTEL AT “OSANNA PIA”

(ANS – Sliema) – In recent months, the “Osanna Pia” hostel for young people in difficulty in Sliema,  has been extending its premises so as to be able to accept more young people and especially to improve the process of their accompaniment towards independent living.

The Maltese Government has provided  the Salesians with a small building on Mrabat Street, which at present is being re-developed so as to create  7 appartments. When the work is completed it will provide accommodation for youngsters and young adults in difficulty, who cannot count on their own families for support having had behavioural problems in the past and are now experiencing the consequences.

The Salesians in Sliema are now experts in this field: already for several years they have run  Osanna Pia, which in fact caters for young people between 18 and 25 with problems in order to  accompany them in their development and growing in maturity. “Here the educational experience is important.”  Fr Savio Vella, Rector of Osanna Pia explains. “We are not open to anyone who decides to leave home to find a cheap lodging. We have to be sure that these young people intend to build their own future and to prepare to live independent lives. If we find they are not ready to collaborate, we tell them to look elsewhere to solve their problems, especially if they don’t want to work or turn down the opportunities.”

The new building to be called “Mamma Margaret House,” will serve in the pursuit of this educational process: it will accommodate young adults who are too old to be accommodated in Osanna Pia, but whose background means they need support and a sound basis on which to take the final steps towards independent living. “To use a analogy, we have come to realise that it is pointless to take the ferry to Gozo and then be thrown off 100 metres from the shore” the Maltese Salesian Fr Antoine Farrugia told the “Times of Malta” daily newspaper.

“They don’t have to be homeless,” Fr Vella adds. “There are people who move from place to place – they have a roof over their heads but not a permanent one. (…) Young people who are stressed, who can’t see any clear future ahead, but who do want to do something with their lives can benefit from what we are offering.”

On their part the young people have to show that they are really determined to build an independent life. To be provided with accommodation they have to have a job, and to be clear in their own minds that it is a temporary arrangement, and that they cannot expect to be able to have a family and continue to live there.

“Mamma Margaret House” has already been given the go-ahead by the Planning Authorities and half the cost of the re-construction  (300.000 €) has already been covered by the Salesians; for the remainder funds are being collected and the declared objective is to complete the project by 2014, in order to celebrate the Bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco.

Published 10/09/2012

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