(ANS – Krakow) – On the occasion of his trip, first to Slovakia and then to Poland, Salesian Bishop Enrico dal Covolo, Rector Magnificus of the Lateran Pontifical University, gave an interview to the Salesians in the Southern Polish Province. Below are some of his reflections on the subject of the Project for Europe.
First of all it has been be acknowledged that the problem is a very complex one. We are living at a time of crisis regarding the values of the old European culture, that culture which in the past was a missionary one towards the world and which now is one which has lost its roots, and is showing itself more and more to be rather a culture of death than one of life. An naturally the ones who first pay the price for this pseudo-culture are the young.
We are running the risk of having a new generation which is being totally ignored. I recently read a interview with some statistics which make quite an impression, in which in Spain for example 52% of young people between 18 and 35 years of age could find no reason to live: which means they are exposed to the gravest temptations.
So we have above all to take seriously with clarity and courage the serious crisis around us. We have to think hard about this educational emergency situation, study the causes, study its manifestations. But that is only the first step. The second is that of finding a cure for this educational emergency... In my opinion the Salesian cure, but also that of my University has to be the formation of the formation personnel.
The formation of the formation personnel is the most appropriate response by a University to this educational emergency, and it is also the one for a Congregation like ours, dedicated to the mission to youth. Having said that, however, it is necessary to draw the practical conclusions, to see clearly what needs to be done, and this is precisely the task of the Project for Europe, to which the Congregation is calling us, and which our Rector Major has so much at heart.
We should not be surprised then if sometimes it seems that that this Project for Europe is making little progress, is moving slowly because there are no easy solutions. It is necessary to be patient, to have great courage, never to give up, and to follow this path with determination …
Published 04/06/2012