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11/5/2012 - Italy - Training for Social Communications: Silence and Word, a path of evangelization

(ANS – Rome) – The Departments  of Social Communication of the Salesians and the  Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, in collaboration with the Faculty of Sciences of Social Communication of the UPS and Auxilium, are promoting a day of study and reflection tomorrow, May 12th, on the theme of the XLVI World Day of Social Communication: Silence and Word, a path of evangelization. The protagonists will be young Salsians and FMAs in first formation.

A week after the celebration of the XLVI World Day of Social Communication, the two General Councillors for Social Communication, Fr. Filiberto Gonzalez and Sister Giuseppina Terrugi, decided to promote a  meeting  between young Salesian and FMA religious in first formation, for training  in a reality which characterizes our culture more and more, and especially the world of youth.

After the initial welcome and greetings, the programme envisages the presentation of the first thematic part of the Pope’s message, “Silence and Word”. There will follow a celebration of the Word inspired by the theme of the XLVI World Day of Social Communications. In the afternoon the second part of the message will be developed: “a path of evangelization” – with some workshops which will help the participants to know some language and methodology of communication in the pastoral line: Drama, Speaking, Music, Cinema, Video, writing and social networking, the organization and planning of an event.

Fr. Gonzalez said: “I hope that this initiative will serve as a model for others which could be developed, even in the next few years, at the local or provincial level. The actuality of communication is important; training in communication and social communication is among the priorities of whoever is called to be a worker in the Kingdom of God and a pastor of the young.”

It will be possible to follow the development of the day thanks to a multimedial sector of the FMA Generalate. At 9.30 (GMT+1) the academic inputs of Fr. Franco Lever, a lecturer  of UPS, and of Sister Maria Antonio Chinello, a lecturer  in the Auxilium, will be transmitted in direct streaming. The material produced will later be made available, including a podcast of the main address.

Published 11/05/2012

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