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22/3/2012 - Democratic Republic of the Congo - “Don Bosco has arrived!”
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(ANS – Kinshasa) – Last Friday, 16 March the relic of Don Bosco began its pilgrimage among the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The first stop was Kinshasa, on the frontier with the Republic of the Congo, where the casket had just come from.

Waiting for the casket at the airport, together with the Provincial Fr Jean-Cleaude Ngoy and a group of  members of the Salesian Family, was Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, the Archbishop of Kinshasa. After a welcoming address by two children  the casket was taken to the Cathedral of Kinshasa, escorted by the police.

Among a large crowd of people, the faithful, some curious onlookers and many young people who called out enthusiastically “Aye Don Bosco!” (“Don Bosco has arrived!”), the casket was taken into the Church where an enthusiastic group of boys and girls who threw flowers, lit candles and sang was waiting. In his address of welcome the Provincial thanked the  Rector Major for his idea of the pilgrimage. Then led by Cardinal Monsengwo Pasinya, all the faithful prayed before the casket and venerated the relics  while some Salesians read passages from the life of Don Bosco.

In the afternoon there was a penitential service and Mass was said at which the Nuncio Apostolic, Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana presided in the presence of many authorities and the Ambassadors from several countries. Then the faithful stayed with the casket for an all-night vigil.

During the three following days the casket remained in the city of Kinshasa, where it was taken to visit various Salesian centres. On Saturday 17 it was the “Café-Mozart” community of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians where Cardinal Monsengwo Pasinya presided at Mass; then the parish of “Saint Kiwanuka” in Kingabwa, where a little girl gave the welcome address to the saint of youth.

Sunday 18 was completely dedicated to a meeting of the young people with Don Bosco. Fir the whole day the relic was at the Salesian centre in Masina where there is a vocational training centre. During the morning there was a series of Masses so that all the youngsters present could attend. Then early in the afternoon there was a great celebration with a variety of  items in which a number of artists well-known to the local youngsters took part and a concert by a local choir. In the evening there was a moment of prayer for everyone in front of the casket which brought the festivities to a close.

Finally on Monday 19 the casket was welcomed by the young people and the Salesian community of Lukunga. For the occasion, in addition to moments of veneration of the relics and several Masses, a film about Don Bosco was also shown.

Published 22/03/2012 

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