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1/3/2012 - Haiti - A new approach to Salesian Vocational Training

(ANS – Pétion Ville) – On 23 February at the Salesian house in Pétion Ville the Salesians in Haiti presented a new Strategic Plan for Vocational Training for 2012-2017. Taking part in the meeting were  those responsible for the National Institute of Vocational Training  (INFP), the Ministry of Education, representatives for Haiti of Spanish Cooperation, Caritas Haiti and the Diocesan Office for Education. The document lays out the strategic vision and planned activities of the Salesians in Haiti to improve the Vocational Training provided.

The occasion began with a presentation by Fr Sylvain Ducange, Superior of the “Blessed Philip Rinaldi” Vice Province of Haiti, who explained the thinking behind the initiative: “In this way we Salesians, like  Don Bosco, help young working class people not only to prepare themselves to enter the work force in a creative manner, but also to development in all directions. In this way we want to encourage a human and evangelical view of work.”

After 75 years of an active presence in the education of the children and young people of Haiti the time has come for the  Salesians of Don Bosco to assess their work and to adapt themselves to the new technological advances and techniques, and to the needs of the work force in the work place. Al of this is being done  with the idea of taking part in the all-round development of the country, which following the earthquake of 2010 is even more important and necessary.

The Strategic Plan for Vocational Training is intended to be not only a contribution aimed at the development of the country in this area, but also as a means directing in a systematic manner the work of the Salesian, so as to be able to provide and excellent education in vocational and  technical schools.

“This takes into account the technological advances in recent years and the fact that the work market requires new techniques for a new Haitian society and sustainable development ” Fr Ducange continued.

When he had finished speaking,  Fr Hyppolite Elder, Rector of the post-novitiate community and of the “Saint Francis of Sales” Philosophical Institute give a brief account of the 75 years history of the Salesians in Haiti. The, Fr Romain Sonel, Delegate for the Education Commission, spoke about the method used in the preparation of the Plan.

Finally Fr Jacques Charles, Director of the Rinaldi Foundation briefly indicated the broad outlines of the Plan. The ceremony ended with the words of Mons. Pierre André Dumas, President of Caritas Haiti, who said how happy he was with the Plan and with the decision of the Salesians to offer a safe path ahead for the most needy young people in the country.

Published 01/03/2012 

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