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13/2/2012 - United States - Salesians and Social Development

(ANS – New York) – Between 1 and 10 February, immediately following a meeting of the Civil Society Forum (31 January), there was a meeting of the Commission on Social Development of the United Nations. Representatives of member States discussed, debated and negotiated with each other on the eradication of poverty, youth unemployment and socially inclusive policies that addressed social inequalities. The Salesians of Don Bosco participated in the Commission in a variety of ways including  the group that prepared the civil society declaration.

Delegations sought solutions on how to shape effective policies for the most pressing social development issues taking into account the challenges that are the result of the global economic crisis and climate change

Civil Society participated in the discussion through written and oral interventions, side events, and frequent meetings with Member State delegates and ambassadors. The Civil Society Declaration was well received by the delegations, even as it challenged governments to provide more services to the most vulnerable populations

The declaration recommended the expansion, and in some instances creation, of a Social Protection Floor as a concrete way of furthering the advancement of all peoples and as a means to lift people from poverty. It also addressed the militarization of societies and recommended that a percentage of military expenditures be redirected to provide for those living in poverty.

Recommended in the Civil Society Declaration was the introduction of a financial transaction tax (FTT) to fund social initiatives. Providentially, The Peace and Justice Office of the Holy See issued a statement encouraging governments to support an FTT for social development and inclusion as the Commission was in session.

The Salesians of Don Bosco, through their representative Fr. Tom Brennan, participated in the Commission in a variety of ways. Fr. Brennan was co-chair of the group that prepared the civil society declaration.  Additionally, he prepared a written intervention on Migration and Risk of HIV Infection, published as a UN document. He also organized and moderated two side events: one Traffickers: Exploiters of Those Living in Poverty and a second Poverty as a Contributing Factor to and Consequence of Human Trafficking.

Published 13/02/2012

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